66 - All For Nothing

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April 4th 2026 - 6:20pm

The sound of Niko's motorcycle grinding to a halt echoed in the empty street outside Shino's apartment. His grey tracksuit was far from ideal for the situation he was walking into, and the cool air only added to his uneasy feeling.

This felt familiar to him but Niko didn't feel as confident about his next move. Before he would simply dash into the apartment to check on Shino but now he hesitated.

He stood in front of a tall wall with a simple electronic gate surrounding the apartment. He had been here several times before so entering was not an issue. It was dark enough for him not to be able to see too well, but the street lights around made it easier.

He took only a few steps in before feeling as though he was being watched. A familiar voice echoed from behind him, confirming his suspicions that he wasn't alone.

"You're so predictable." Gabriel Miller's voice was as cool and calm as ever. Niko immediately turned around, seeing Gabriel leaning against the wall, dressed in his regular business clothes with the same empty look in his eyes. "You already won, yet you still rushed all the way here?"

He watched Gabriel slowly walk toward him. He wanted to know why he was here, but his voice seemed to be caught in his throat. He was frozen in place, fearing what came next.

Gabriel looked over at the apartment with curious eyes. His movements were oddly calm and composed, which only unsettled Niko more. "I saw how you played. You're not as easy to break as I thought."

"Break me? The hell's this psycho on about?"  Niko carefully studied his every move. He wanted to be ready for anything that happened, even though he wasn't sure what his next move was. "I won, just like you said I should."

"Followed my instructions to the letter, just as a tool should."

Niko tensed up, his eyes staring daggers at Gabriel who didn't react in the slightest to his hostility. "I'm not your tool." he muttered through gritted teeth, trying to keep himself as calm as he could muster.

"You did as I asked without a second thought as to if I was serious about any of it. You almost succeeded too, but one of your teammates died. Her name is Reko, correct?" Gabriel said bluntly, unnerving Niko who had no response. "I suppose you wouldn't care about that one. She's an AI, nothing like the girl in the apartment up there."

Gabriel gestured to Shino's apartment before speaking again. "AI is just a collection of data. No fear, no concept of life, no soul to savor... but that girl, on the other hand, must have a truly sweet soul to have captured your full attention this way."

Without a second thought, Niko swung his clenched fist at Gabriel who swiftly caught it and twisted Niko's arm around his back.

He let out a low, chilling chuckle at how predictable Niko was. "She must be really special to you. Do you want to tell me why, or should find out for myself?"

Niko struggled to break free but Gabriel's grip on him was too tight. Each move he made seemed to cause Gabriel to twist harder, coming dangerously close to breaking his arm. "Leave her out of this." He pleaded softly, but Gabriel only seemed to take pleasure in his desperation.

"A tool such as yourself has no right making demands." Gabriel said with a hint of mockery in his voice. "You don't understand it yet, do you? I already have you in the palm of my hand."

"Like hell you do!"

Gabriel let out a low chilling chuckle and tightened his grip on Niko's arm. "Should we ask the girl up there? Or maybe you'd prefer your brother? Not that he's waking up ever again."

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