Chapter 2

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Taetum's P.O.V.

"Taet, when do you have to be at your new job?" dad asks over the phone as we have been talking for the last thirty minutes.

"Um, in an hour, so I will have to end our call soon," I answer as I glance at the time off the microwave in the kitchen when I am getting a glass of water. "The drive there will take me thirty minutes, and I need to brush my teeth and hair."

"Okay, we can end our call now," dad replies. "You are still coming over for dinner tomorrow night, right? Papa, Taylor, and I miss you, and we want to hear about your new job."

Smiling at this, I answer as I head to my bathroom to what I need to do before heading to work; "Of course I am. I do not have to work tomorrow, so I will be there by 5 p.m. Can I bring anything?"

"You can bring drinks," dad answers, and I hum in agreement. "Bye Taetum, I love you, and we will see you tomorrow night."

"Bye daddy, I love you, too, and see you tomorrow night," I reply with a bright smile.

Ending the call, I place my phone on the bathroom counter to brush my teeth and hair. Leaving my new apartment, I drive myself to my new job at 'Reed's Fashion and Design.' Arriving ten minutes later, I enter the building to speak with the receptionist to find out where I needed to be, and she was kind enough to show me where I need to be.

"Mr. Reed, your new model, Mr. Ross is here," Kaitlynn, as I learned her name is on the way to meet my boss, tells a sexy older man.

When he turns toward us, I get the full view of him instead of his side profile. He looks to be around 40-years-old with a muscular build, defined jawline, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and is around 6'1".

Damn, he should be the one modeling right alongside us.

Mr. Ross brightly smiles at me as he offers me his right hand for a firm handshake, both that I return as we greet each other as Kaitlynn heads back toward her station.

"Follow me, and I will show you around as well as introducing you to everyone," Mr. Reed says, and we head off.

We stop at a female photographer who is working with a young man. Watching the guy pose, I find myself intrigued by him, and also thinking his adorably sexy. He looks to be around 5'8" with dark brown hair that is 'Emo' style, and what catches me off guard is he has a section of white hair near his right eye. The white hair looks amazing against his dark hair. He looks as if he has light blue eyes, but I am not sure because of the distance between us, and the lighting. I wonder if he is related to my new boss who also has a white section of hair in his dark brown hair in almost a similar location. 

"The young man Rachael is photographing is my oldest son, Keelan," Mr. Reed quietly tells me, not wanting to distract the photographer or his son as he effectively answers my unspoken question.

Mr. Reed and his son do not really look alike other than the white patch of hair. Humming in acknowledgment, we move onto another section where a male photographer is capturing great photos of a young child. I am slightly surprised that I do not see a parent or a possible guardian here since the boy looks to be about seven or eight.

"This is my youngest son, Kenley," Mr. Ross informs me with a fond smile.

Damn, can this man read my mind? Silently watching the session, I notice Kenley also has a patch of white hair in his medium brown colored hair that is located over his left ear toward the top of his head. He looks to have dark brown eyes, freckles littering his across his nose and cheeks. Man, neither of his children really resemble him other than the patch of white hair.

"I will start you off working with Keelan today and Monday, and then Tuesday, you will be on your own. This will help you with how we do things here, but you will have the occasion photo shoot where you work with others. Do you have any questions for me?" Mr. Reed asks as his smiles at his youngest son before we head back toward Keelan.

"No, sir, I do not," I murmur as we reach his oldest son who seems to be finished with this round of clothing from the new winter line.

"Keelan, will you come over here, please?" Mr. Reed calls over to his son with a fond smile.

Keelan softly says something to the photographer, and gives her a bright smile that make my knees weak, and it was not even aimed at me before making his way over to us.

"Hi, what is up?" Keelan asks with a slight tilt of his head to the left as he briefly makes eye contact with me before shyly looking back at his father.

"Hi yourself," Mr. Reed chuckles, as he fondly shakes his head at his son. "This is Taetum Ross, and this is first day with us. I want him to work with you today and Monday, okay?"

Keelan shyly nods, murmuring; "Okay, dad, sounds good."

Keelan shyly focuses his attention on me after Mr. Reed leaves us after telling us his is going to check on Kenley before doing something in his office.

"How long have you been modeling?" he softly questions as we walk toward his location, and the photographer.

"Since I was fourteen, so six years now," I reply with a fond smile. "How about you?"

"Um, since I was thirteen, so four years now," he murmurs with pink tinted cheeks, and a shy smile.

I am shocked that he is only 17-years-old as we stop at the photographer's side.

"Rachael, this is Taetum Ross, and he is new with us," he murmurs to the woman with a smile as the woman focuses on us. "He has been modeling for six years, so I am sure he will be fantastic. Dad wants him with me today and Monday."

Rachael grins at Keelan affectionately before focusing on me; "Welcome. I am sure Keelan is right, and you will be fantastic here!"

Taetum's  MuseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz