Chapter 3

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Keelan's P.O.V.

"Keelan, take Taetum to Kerry, please?" Rachael requests of me with a cheery smile, and I agree to this, and wave Taetum to follow me which he does.

"Hi again, Keelan, and who is your friend?" Kerry questions me with a grin at Taetum as he checks him out.

"My name is Taetum Ross, sir, and it's nice to meet you," Taetum answers for himself with his own grin.

"Welcome to the company, and I hope you enjoy your time here," Kerry replies as he hands us each a pile of clothing to change into.

"The changing area is over here," I murmur, leading Taetum over to the changing area that is a section of the room that is blocked off by curtains in five personal sections.

"When you are done, Kerry will do his magic with your hair and makeup," I tell him before we step into our separate rooms.

"Okay," Taetum replies with a crooked smile that makes my belly erupt into a large group of butterflies.

Quickly stepping into the dressing area, I hear a soft chuckle from Taetum, and I can feel the burn of a blush flush across my skin. Quickly closing the black curtain behind me, I change into the new clothing, and fold the set of clothing I had on once I changed. Opening the curtain, I grab the pile of folded clothes, and leave the room to only wait a moment for Taetum to exit his changing area. He is carrying his own folded clothes, and he looks amazing in his clothes for the photo shoot. He was given a new pair of ripped, black skinny jeans, his own pair of black Doc Martian's, and a tight white, form fitting long sleeve shirt. He looked amazing before, but now he looks absolutely FINE! I need to get myself, and my hormones in check before I embarrass myself in front of Taetum and everyone else.

"Come on," I murmur, leading us back to Kerry who takes our clothing piles, then he does our hair and makeup.

"Alright boys, I am done," Kerry says twenty minutes later as he finishes with Taetum's makeup, and takes a step back from the man.

We thank him, and head back to Rachael who is ready for us, and explains to us how she wants us to pose before she starts photographing us for the next thirty minutes.

"Kee, I need you to relax, love," Rachael calls out to me with a deep frown as she lowers her camera down to give me a weird expression.

"I am relaxed," I grumble back at her with my own deep frown, even though I know she knows I am lying at the moment.

"Taetum, take a break for a minute, please?" Rachael says to him before motioning for me to come over to her.

Standing in front of her as I fidget on my feet as she remains focused on Taetum until he is far enough from us for her liking; "Keelan, what is wrong with you? You were fine before Taetum arrived."

Damn her for being so fucking observant, but that is a huge part of her job.

Sighing softly at her as I drop my gaze down to my feet that I am still fidgeting on; "He makes me nervous for some reason."

"Kee, look at me, love," Rachael softly demands, so I reluctantly bring my gaze back up to her worried eyes. "There is no reason to be nervous with him, and if he says anything about your piebaldism, I will squash it as will anyone else here will do."

"I know, and I truly appreciate that," I mumble, not wanting to voice my true reason for physically being attracted to Taetum.

"Okay, now will you try and relax, please?" she gently requests with a tiny smile.

"Yeah, I am sorry for how I have been behaving?" I apologize to her, and she hums in reply, and I head back to where I was before.

Taetum comes back over with a curious expression at Rachael and me, but does not comment. We finish our set, and it goes smoother as I was able to stuff down my anxiety and feelings toward Taetum.

"Kee-Kee, can I have something to drink?" Kenley quietly asks with a soft tug on the hem of my shirt.

"Sure, bub," I agree with a smile as I take his right hand in mine to get him a drink from the food and drink table against the wall; the table offers healthy snack and drinks options.

"Hello guys," Taetum greets us with a warm smile as he joins us at the table.

Kenley instantly whimpers as he steps into my side tightly as he stares at Taetum with wide eyes, so I quickly tell Taetum to cover for my brother's reaction to him; "He is extremely shy."

Grabbing a white grape juice bottle from the table for Kenley, and a grape juice bottle for myself. Handing the bottle for Kenley who shakily takes it with a mumble 'thanks.'

"Kee-Kee, can I find dad?" Kenley murmurs in question with a shaky voice.

"Sure Ken," I allow since I can see where dad is standing currently, and can watch my brother make his way over there. "Dad is over there, bub."

Kenley nods before rushing off toward dad, and I can feel Taetum's confused gaze that he is giving me.

"You are really good with him," Taetum gently compliments with a smile.

"Thanks, it's easy since he is a great little brother," I reply with a fond smile as Kenley stands close to our dad who is speaking with Richard and Rachael.

Taetum hums in response as he takes a sip of his water from the water bottle as we watch Kenley who is silently sipping his juice.

We make idle chit chat for another fifteen minutes before dad tells us we are done for the day, and to change back into our clothes. Taetum says goodbye to me, and that he is looking forward to seeing and working with me again on Monday afternoon.

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