Chapter 8

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Today at work has been strange in the sense that Mr. Reed has not been here at all, and it is already noon. I will say, today has been running smoothly despite his absence telling me he has wonderful employees. I wonder if Keelan will be here at all since his dad is not here? I miss Keelan since I have not seen him since Wednesday afternoon.

"Hi, I am Emmett Hanson," a deep voice says from my left causing me to look in that direction.

There stands an adorably attractive man who I am going to guess is around my age with dyed platinum blond hair, beautiful eyes (not as beautiful as Keelan's though). He is around 6'1" in height, and a sharp jawline that could cut glass.

"Hi, I am Taetum Ross, and it's nice to meet you," I reply with a smile as we shake hands. "Are you by any chance friends with Keelan?" He has mentioned being friends with an Emmett that works."

Emmett instantly grins at me with a nod; "Yes, I am that Emmett."

Grinning back at him, I ask him the question that I need to know; "Is he home sick since Mr. Reed is not here?"

Emmett frowns at me now; "I have no idea. I have not spoke with Kee since last night, and he did not mention that neither of them would be here today."

As he is speaking, he pulls his cell from his back left pocket of his dark wash, ripped skinny jeans to check the screen. Emmett frowns as he presses the thumb pad of his left thumb against the home button, and does something quickly for a moment before looking at me.

"Keelan just left school with Kyler for lunch, and neither will be here today," Emmett says, and his frown seems to deepen while he looks deep in thought. "Huh, I guess I will find out fully when I see him tonight."

Now, it is my turn to frown as I ask; "You are seeing him tonight?"

Emmett looks at me with a 'duh' expression; "Yeah. I am staying at his place tonight."

"Oh, that is awesome," I excitedly reply with a forced smile since I am a little jealous of him staying the night at Keelan's. "Can I have your number, so we can text sometimes?"

He quietly stares at me for a moment before holding his right hand out, palm upwards toward me for my phone. Pulling my phone from my jean pocket with a grin as I open the phone then the contacts, and a new contact before handing the phone over to him. Emmett quickly adds his information before sending himself a text from my phone to have my number. He hands my phone back with what seems like a serious expression.

"I am all for becoming your friend, but please do not ask me for Kee's number, or anything personal about him," he says. "I would like for you and him to become friends on your own."

Yup, his expression was indeed serious. I think this is strange of him to say this, but I can understand where he is coming from though.

"Understood, and I want to become his friend, too," I honestly tell him.

Emmett hums at me as he intently stares at me for a second before nodding, seemingly satisfied with my answer; "I will let him know you were asking about him."

My cheeks flush at this; "That works for me. I better go back to Rachael now since my lunch break is almost over."

Emmett hums with a small nod; "Yeah, mine is too. Talk to you later."

"Later," I murmur with a grin as I head toward Rachael's area with a slight bounce in my step.

By 5 p.m., I am exhausted, and very ready to head home. When I arrive home, I am gonna take a short nap before going out to a club with Blake. We are meeting at the club at 9 p.m., so I will nap for about an hour, shower, dress, and grab dinner at the club with Blake. We will probably stay until closing at 2 a.m., and we are going to Uber there and home, so we do not drive home drunk if we decide to drink. We try to be responsible when we go out together especially if there is a possibility of us drinking.

Stripping out of my clothes until I am left in my boxers, I climb into under the covers, and after setting a couple of alarms, and plugging in the phone to charge, I snuggle into my bedding, and fall asleep almost instantly. Sadly, I am awoken by alarms all too soon, and I groggily turn those off with a huge groan.

Tossing the covers off me as I sit up, swinging my legs off the side of the bed. Standing to my feet, stretching my arms above my head, I then head into my en-suite bathroom to start the shower to let the water heat. While waiting for this to happen, I brush my teeth, and strip off my red boxers, and then step into the scalding hot water.

Scrubbing myself from head to toe, then rinse off, turn off the water before stepping from the shower to dry off with an extra large, fluffy brown colored towel. Tossing the towel over the shower curtain rod to dry. I lotion myself with my lavender lotion before walking back into my bedroom to get dressed. Stepping into my large closet to grab a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a pair of black socks, a pair of black combat boots, and a long sleeve white pullover shirt, and a pair black boxers. Leaving the closet once I am dressed with my boots to sit on the edge of my bed to slip my boots on, and tie the laces.

I grab my keys, cell, and wallet off my night stand after combing my hair, placing deodorant on, and spraying myself with my body spray in the bathroom. Leaving my apartment, locking the door behind me, I walk toward the elevator as I order a taxi off an app, and I will wait out from the building. My ride arrives five minutes later, and drives me to the club.

Taetum's  Museحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن