Chapter 20

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Taetum's P.O.V.

The deep blush that is covering Keelan's visible skin is as beautiful as he is inside and out. I love the fact that I am the one responsible for this blush upon his skin.

"Your skin looks wonderful with crimson tint," I softly say while gently brushing the back of my fingers over his cheekbones that are still tinted with the blush. "When you blush, the white patches on your skin are even more noticeable, and it is fucking amazing."

"Please stop, you are embarrassing me," he mumbles as his blush deepens.

"I am sorry, love," I mumble with a huge grin as I rub my left hand over his arm in apology as he leans into my side under my arm while lying his head against my shoulder.

"Uh huh," he grumbles as he lightly picks at the hem of my jeans.

"Hey, I am seriously sorry for embarrassing you," I mumble, lying my cheek against the top of his fluffy hair.

Keelan hums as he snuggles his face into my neck with a soft sigh as he admits; "I am really glad you asked me on a date, for my first date ever. So far, it is better than I could have ever imagined."

"Wait, what?" I ask in shock. "You have never been on a date before this one?"

"Yes. Why is that so hard to imagine?"he giggles softly as he brings his face from my neck to look at me in confusion.

"This is hard to imagine because you are such an amazing person," I honestly whisper, staring at him deeply in the eyes while cupping his left cheek with my right hand. "You are sweet, kind, wonderful, and so many more describing words, but would take too long to say."

"So are you," he murmurs intently. "I am sorry for pulling away from you before."

Taking a chance that I will not screw things up with him, I lean my face down and tilted slightly to the right to lightly ghost my lips over his plump, pale pink lips. When he does not pull away, I push my lips against his for a deep kiss as I gently wrap my hand around the back of his neck.

He lightly moans as he moves to straddle my legs, wrapping his arms around my neck as he settles his perky butt over my expanding member. Keelan continues to shock me by deepening our kiss, and I wrap my arms around his thin waist to pull his body flush against mine. When we pull back when we need to fill our lungs with oxygen.

Placing my forehead gently against his as we stare at each other with silly grins on our lips as I murmur; "You are pure joy and sunshine."

"That was my first kiss, too, and it was so good," he giggles softly, adding to my shock.

"Thank you for both of those precious gifts, and I promise to hold them in my heart," I whisper before I rush out how I truly feel about this beautiful boy on my lap. "I know this may be too early to say, but what I am about to say is how I feel, and I do not expect you to say it back until you are ready. I really like you, I like you so much that I am positive that I love you."

Keelan's eyes widen for about a second before he grins wider at me as he whispers; "I do not know if how and what I am feeling for you is love, but I really like you. I have never been in love before."

"Do you really promise? I do not want to push you away again, and make you leave me if I take too long to decide," he fearfully murmurs, blinking rapidly as if he is trying to clear away tears.

"Hey, hey, precious," I coo, kissing his forehead softly. "No need to cry, baby. I promise I will wait for however long you need. I promise to wait."

"Thank you, Tae," he murmurs with a tiny smile as he rubs the tip of his nose against mine.

"You are welcome, love," I murmur as the first band comes onto the stage.

Keelan turns around to sit in between my now spread legs with his back resting against my chest. Wrapping my arms around his waist to lightly grip his hips. I give him a light kiss on the back of his head before resting my chin on the top of his head as the first band starts its first song.

Three hours later, the concert is done, and we make our way to my vehicle to leave. Opening the passenger side door for a sleepy Keelan, and he gives me a small smile as he sits down on the seat. Grinning at him as I softly shut the door, then walk around the front of the vehicle to climb inside, and settle on the seat.

"Did you have fun?" I ask as I start the engine, then back from the spot to pull to the entrance and exit of the park.

"Yes! I enjoyed it very much! Thank you for bringing us here, and for dinner!" he loudly giggles as he leans over the armrest between us to lightly kiss me on the right cheek.

"You are welcome, love," I lightly chuckle as I drive us toward his home. "We will have to do something like this again on another date."

"Really? That would be awesome!" he giggles as he dances in his seat.

"We definitely will be doing this again if this is your reaction," I say with a soft laugh as I reach my hand over to thread our fingers together, and bring his hand up to my lips to lightly kiss his hand.

"Can I plan our next date?" he sweetly requests with wide eyes and a smile.

"Of course you can, but only if you really want to?" I reply with my own large smile.

"Yeah! When can I take you on this date?" he eagerly asks as he continues to dance in his seat.

"How about Thursday night? Will this give you enough time to plan?" I reply, and Keelan eagerly agrees to this.

"How about I pick you up at yours at 5 p.m., and dress casually?" he asks eagerly.

"That sounds perfect to me, baby," I agree with a soft smile over at him briefly before focusing on the road again.

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