Chapter 24

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Taetum's P.O.V.

I am so fucking nervous for tonight! I am officially meeting Keelan's uncles and cousin today. My family and I are having Thanksgiving dinner at Keelan's home. My family will meet me at Kee's home around 3 p.m. since I will be arriving there early, around noon to help with anything that is needed. I am not sure when his uncles and cousin will be arriving. I had gone to my parents apartments to help cook the two dishes they will be bringing. I am stopping to pick up a couple of two liters of sodas, and a cake. We cooked cheesy potatoes and mac and cheese.

"I am heading over to Keelan's now," I tell my parents as I slip on my black and white Van's by the front door. "I am stopping at the grocery store first to grab a few items."

"Alright son, we will be there in a few hours," dad answers with a smile as he, papa, and Tay wave goodbye to me.

"Bye," I reply with my own wave as I open the door, and leave the apartment.

Making my quick stop at the store, I arrive at the Reed residence, I carry the items to the front door that is instantly opened for me by a bouncy and grinning Keelan before I can knock.

"Hi Taetum! Come inside, and let me take something from you," he quickly says, taking the cake from me before stepping back to let me inside.

He shuts the door as I slip off my shoes by the others, and this is when I notice there are three more pairs of shoes than normal. His family must already be here.

"Are your uncles and cousin here?" I ask, trying to keep the nervousness from my voice.

"Yeah! Uncles Jace and Jacob, and their son Aries are here," Keelan excitedly answers as we walk into the kitchen to place away the items I bought.

"That is awesome," I grin over at him, hoping he does not notice my uneasiness.

"Taet, do no freak out, please," he quickly says as we place the items in the fridge before he hugs me tightly. "They are gonna love you, that I can promise."

"Okay, I believe you, baby," I murmur into the hair at the top of his head.

"Come on, they are in the living room while the turkey is cooking," he murmurs, pulling back enough to intertwine our fingers together to pull me into the living room.

"Uncle Jace, uncle Jacob, Aries," Keelan says, gaining everyone's attention. "This is my boyfriend, Taetum Ross."

Keelan's uncles and cousin stand to walk over to us with bright smiles as his uncle Jacob speaks with his right hand held out toward me; "Hello Taetum. I am Jacob Reed, and it is nice to meet you."

I smiles timidly as we shake hands, and repeat the greeting with his uncle Jace and cousin. We join them, and sit on the floor in the living room, and I hope his uncles and cousin do not give me the whole 'hurt him, we will hurt you,' speech.

"So, Taetum, how old are you?" Jace asks as he looks at me intently.

"I am 20-years-old, sir," I reply with a straight expression. "I will be twenty-one in March."

He nods without a comment, and Aries decides to ask the next question; "What do you do for a living?"

"I work as a model for Mr. Reed's company," I answer, confused that they do not know this.

The three men raise an eyebrow at me before focusing on Mr. Reed who grins back at them; "Hey. Him working for me is a perk since I already know everything I need to know about him, and that he is good enough for my son."

His brothers and nephews nod in agreement at his answer, and thankfully the topic of conversation is switched to what Keelan and Aries are planning on doing after they graduate from high school. Aries is planning on attending trade school for household plumbing while Keelan is planning on modeling full time as he attends college for fashion design.

My family arrive at 2:45 p.m. with the food we made, and by 3:10 p.m., we are sitting around the table with filled plates. When my family arrived, I introduced them to everyone, and come to find out, Aries and Taylor already knew each other, and are actually friends.

"Before we start eating, it is a family tradition that everyone says something they are thankful for," Keelan's dad states with a warm smile. "I will start, and go around the table. I am thankful for my family and our new friends that are here at the table with us."

Jace clears his throat before saying; "I am thankful for the ability to have everyone I am blessed in my life."

"I am thankful for a loving family who loves and accepts me for who I am, and who I love dearly," Jacob sadly states with a tearful voice.

"I am thankful for family, new friends, and everything beautiful in my life," dad says with a smile at everyone.

Papa says the same as dad, and Aries and Taylor basically say the same as everyone else who have already went.

"I am thankful for dad adopting me, and loving me like a parents should, and that Keelan protects me from the bad things in life," Kenley says with a bright smile, and I blink away tears as does everyone else.

Clearing my throat since it is now my turn; "I am thankful for the new people in my life who have taught me life lessons."

Keelan gives me a soft smile as he is the last person to speak; "I am thankful for those old and new in my life who love me for me, and do not expect me to change."

Everyone starts eating once Keelan finishes speaking, and carry on conversations and laughing with each other. I have had a wonderful Thanksgiving in the past, but so far this one has been the best even with the small interrogation from Keelan's family. Leaning back in the chair as I finish my meal, I take in everyone around the table, and I cannot help the fond smile that graces my lips at the sight in front of me. I want this for the rest of my life.

Taetum's  MuseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant