Chapter 6

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Man, one day I hope Kenley stops being afraid of me, and that Keelan stops being jittery around me. I would love for them to be comfortable with me sooner rather than later. Heading home with my groceries, I decide that I am gonna speak with Blake about them. I need to know if he has any suggestions on how to help them feel more comfortable with me.

Placing away the groceries as I wrack my brain for solutions with my situation before speaking with Blake. A couple of hours later, Blake arrives with snacks and drinks in bags, and a huge grin.

"Hey man!" Blake greets as he enters the house with three bags in his left hand.

"Hey B!" I greet back as I shut and lock the door behind me with my own grin.

"Are you hungry now, or should we wait?" I question him as he unpacks the bags onto the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, we can start cooking now," he answers as he finishes his task.

"Okay, I was thinking we can make pizzas, or something else that you want," I answer with a shrug of my left shoulder.

"Pizzas work for me," he answers with a bigger smile, and he seems excited for the food choice.

"Pizzas, it is then," I grin as I move to grab the needed ingredients to make us two pizzas.

Yes, we are gonna make two pizzas because Blake and I can each eat an entire pizza ourselves. Do not judge us for how much we can consume in one sitting. We both workout at a gym three to four times a week.

"Okay, so I need your opinion on this serious situation I have," I tell him as we start making the pizza dough.

Blake hums for me to continue, so I explain everything to him with every detail I have. I wait in tense silence as he digests my word vomit for several minutes as we place the pizza sauce on the the dough that we have baked.

"Okay, I think the best way to win over the little brother is to make slow movements and words with him to prove to him that you are not trying to hurt him," Blake says to start off. "With regards to Keeler -"

"His name is Keelan, not Keeler," I interrupt him, and I know that is rude of me to do, but I needed to correct his pronunciation of Keelan's name.

"Sorry about that," Blake apologizes before he continues his thought. "With Keelan, you need to do the same thing because they seem jittery about new people. We do not know what they have dealt with in their lives that might have been traumatic for them."

Chewing on my lower lip as I take in his words for a few seconds before nodding; "That makes sense, thanks B. I was kind of thinking of that, too."

"That is why you discuss things with me," he grins at me with a chuckle as we start placing our toppings on our pizzas.

Placing our pizzas in the preheated the oven to cook for about ten minutes. Leaning back against the counter by the oven after shutting the oven door to look at my best friend. Blake is grabbing us each a beer from the fridge that he had brought.

"Thanks," I say as I take the beer he is holding out for me. "I really want to be Keelan's friend, and for Kenley not be afraid of me."

Blake nods as he opens our beers, and take a drink; "That is understandable, Tae.  Give them time, and I am sure they will come around, and love you."

"I hope you are right?" I mumble before taking another swig of my beer.

Blake scoffs at me with an eye roll; "Of course I am right. I am always right!"

Chuckling at his answer as we lightly tap our bottle together. When the pizzas are done, I pull the pans from the oven, cutting the pizzas into triangles, and place four slices each onto two plates. Handing B his plate, I grab mine, and we each grab another beer from the fridge before sitting on opposite ends of the couch in the living room.

"Do you like this Keelan guy, and I mean in a romantic way?" Blake wonders curiously as we start eating.

"Yeah, and I know it sounds crazy since I just met him today," I bashfully admit. "I cannot really explain my attraction for a guy that I litterly just met."

"There is noting wrong with that," Blake replies with a soft smile. "Sometimes things like this happen. Think about him, and tell me what attracts him to you."

Silently thinking as we continue to eat and drink for several minutes before I finally answer; "I guess it is the aura he gives off. He is sweet toward others especially his little brother, and those around him. I find him attractive in every way especially with the white patches on his skin, and in his hair."

"Describe the white patches," Blake curiously asks. "I wonder does he if piebaldism? I know you probably do not know the answer to this question."

Biting my lower lip in thought as he is correct in not knowing the answer to his question; "Nope. I have no idea since I am not really sure piebaldism is though."

Blake pulls his phone from his front right pocket after he places his bottle on the coffee table. He does something on his phone for a few seconds before handing his phone to me. Blake had googled 'Piebaldism' for me to read.

The information on the '' page states: 'Piebaldism is a condition characterized by the absence of cells called melanocytes in certain areas of the skin and hair. Melancytes produce the pigment melanin, which contributes to hair, eye, and skin color. The absence of melanocytes leads to patches of skin and hair that are lighter than normal.'

Handing Blake his phone as I say; "I think that might be what he has, along with his dad and brother. I am not a hundred percent sure though until I ask because I do not want to assume anything."

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