Chapter 10

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Fiddling with my phone while debating with myself if I should text Emmett or not. I know he is hanging out with Keelan right now, and I am not sure if I should bother them. Acting on impulse, I pull up Emmett's contact, pressing the text button to type out a button.

'Hey Emmett, how is it going with Keelan?' I send, and now realize I probably sound like a damn creeper.

'Hey Taetum! Kee and I are having a wonderful time! Thanks for asking. His little brother has a friend over, too. I just feel bad that Mr. R is here alone to deal with the four of us,' Emmett sends back a minute later, making me smile.

'I am sure he loves having the four of you there - having a full house. Speaking of Keelan's little brother, any more suggestions to help him become comfortable with me?' I send back almost immediately.

What? Do not judge me, I really want help with this topic, and helping Kenley to become comfortable with me.

'Just make slow, smooth motions around him, and gently speak with him,' Emmett sends a couple of minutes later after probably thinking over the question.

That is basically what I was told before, so I guess that is what I have to do.

'Thanks. What fun plans do you and Keelan have for tonight?' I send curiously.

'We are gonna watch movies, eat junk food, and I am not sure what else we are going to do,' he sends. 'What about you?'

'I am gonna hang with my best friend Blake, have dinner together, a few drinks while watching a movie,' I send.

'Nice! Keelan says "hello",' Emmett sends, and a smile immediately grows at Keelan's greeting.

My smile grows even bigger when Emmett sends me a picture of him and Keelan cuddled together on a couch with a black and gray stripped lying over their laps. I cannot even be jealous of how close they are sitting together because I know they are just friends.

'That is a great pic! Keelan looks terrified though,' I send, chewing on my lower lip at Keelan's wide, terrified eyes.

'He is scared since we are watching a horror movie with Mr. R,' Emmett sends.

'What movie are you watching?' I curiously send as Blake knocks on the door before entering the house.

"Hey B," I greet as he places down a six pack of beer, and a bag of chips onto the kitchen counter.

"Hey man, who are you talking to?" he replies with a grin as he nods toward my phone that I am holding in my left hand.

"Emmett, another model at work," I explain with a smile. "He is also Keelan's best friend."

"That is an interesting tactic, Taet," he grins as he takes the beer to the fridge, placing it inside causing me to frown at him in confusion at his words.

"What are you talking about?" I question as my phone dings with another message from Emmett.

"You are befriending your love interest's best friend, so you can become closer to Keelan," Blake answers with a smirk as he wiggles his eyebrows at me in a suggestive manner.

"I am not doing that, so get your mind out of the damn gutter," I grumble with my arms now crossed over my chest in defiance, and a small pout at him.

Blake shuts the refrigerator door to place both hands up in the air in the 'surrender' position as he lightly chuckles; "Okay Taet, I believe you. This was just a thought I had."

"Emmett is a nice guy, and I can see him and I becoming friends," I grumble as I decide to answer Emmett's text.

'We are watching 'Carrie,' the original one,' he sent, and he sent another picture of him and Keelan who has his face stuffed into Emmett's chest while clutching fistfuls of the blanket tightly.

"Cute pic. Which one is which?" Blake asks from over my left shoulder.

Keelan is the smaller one with his face hidden. Him and Emmett are watching the original 'Carrie' movie," I answer as I show him the other picture Emmett sent.

"They are both cute, I will admit," Blake says with a nod of his head.

"Yeah, they are for sure," I agree, not worrying that my best friend will hit on Keelan since he is straight, and is not interested in the same sex.

"Yeah, but Keelan is just has this sweet innocence about him," I mumble, staring down at the first pic Emmett sent.

"What are we ordering for dinner because I am not in the mood to cook tonight," Blake asks, gently nudging my shoulder with his.

"Personally, I am in the mood for Mexican," I say as my stomach loudly grumbles.

"Ooohhh, Mexican sounds amazing," Blake instantly agrees with my choice while pulling his phone from his back left pocket of his pants.

"What do you want to order?" he asks, showing me the menu off his phone.

Scanning over the menu, I decide on what I want, and Blake places our order of yumminess off the app, and it should be here in thirty minutes.

Sending my share of the money for my order to Blake through a cash app, after we sit on the couch in the living room to talk while we wait for the food to arrive. Once the food arrives, we pick out a movie to watch - 'The Crow' starring Brandon Lee. While we eat, we watch the movie, and talk to each other throughout the movie. After the movie is done, and we have finished our food, we decide to play a card game - 'Uno' as we laugh and talk for hours while we play the game.

Blake decides to stay the night since he had been drinking, and he crashes in the spare bedroom after he changes into a pair of my black sweats and a black tank top. Awesome night with my best friend, and I hope one day, Blake and I can spend a night like this with Emmett and Keelan, too.

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