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Keelan's P.O.V.

Man, the last three years have been filled with good and bad situations. The bad that has happened has been minor in comparison to the good. Taetum and I had broken up for about three months, and this happened just over two years ago. We were constantly fighting then over stupid lies that one of Taetum's 'friends' was constantly telling him about me that he sadly believed for some reason.He did not believe me or anyone else when we would prove to him that I was not doing all of the horrible lies that she was telling him.

We got back together after three months, and our relationship was not like it was before the breakup until about eight months later. I moved into his apartment six months ago as I did not want to move in with him until I knew things were going great again with us, and after I earned my associates degree in fashion design.

I am now a fashion designer and model for dad's company, and one day in the future I will take over the company when dad is ready to retire. As of right now Kenley does not want to co-own the company with me, but if he ever changes his mind, I will gladly make this happen.

Dad is dating an amazing man named Adam Warren who is the same age as dad. They have been dating for a year now, but do not live together as dad is not ready for this. Emmett moved away to a new state for a new modeling job about three months ago. I miss the hell out of my best friend, but I am excited for him, and his new adventure. He also started dating a woman named Missy Edwards who is a year younger than Em. They plan on visiting next month for Christmas and the new year.

"Baby, are you ready to leave?" Taetum questions from the living room as I finish getting dressed for our court date.

Do not worry about us, we are not in any sort of legal trouble. We are legally adopting three biological siblings. There is 5-year-old Orlando Asher, 3-year-old Orion Ashton, and 1-year-old Oceania Marie. They have been living with us for a month now when their parents immodestly lost all of their parental rights, and the children were placed in immediate care in our home. We were offered adoption rights two weeks ago, and we took the opportunity, and here we are now.

We are not planning on adopting any more children after today, but only time will really tell.

"Yeah, lets go," I grin as I enter the room after grabbing my cell, wallet and keys from the bedroom.

"Alright our babies, let's go make this legal," Taetum says as we gather them, and the one large baby bag fro the three of them.

Twenty minutes later, we are settled in an uncomfortable row of the family court room at the courthouse. Oceania is sitting on Taetum's lap with Orlando and Orion are sitting on mine. Orion and Orlando are dressed in black leggings, black socks, black Vans, and long sleeve white shirts. Oceania is dressed in a pair of white leggings, white socks and Vans, and a lavender colored, long sleeve dress. Taetum is dressed in black jeans, black socks and Vans, and a white long sleeve shirt, and I am dressed in black leggings, black socks and Vans, and a lavender long sleeve shirt. A couple of minutes before our case is called before the judge, our families arrive.

"Mr. Taetum Ross and Mr. Keelan Reed, please come forward," the bailiff calls, and Taetum and I stand with our future babies in our holds as we walk to the judge.

Nervously standing in front of the male judge with Taetum on my left and our female lawyer on my right.

"Good morning, gentlemen," Judge Matthews states with a sweet smile toward the five of us.

"Hello sir," Taetum and I greet while Orlando and Orion wave with shy smiles, and Oceania stare at him with wide eyes as she sucks on her right thumb.

Judge Matthews proceeds with the adoption, and fifteen minutes later, he legally declares all three children ours. Their new last names are now Reed since Taetum and I agreed on this because when we get married, Taetum decided he is changing his last name to mine. We have dad take a family picture of the five of us with Judge Matthews before we leave.

"Kee, you our pa'en'?" Orion asks curiously from my right hip as he lightly taps my shoulder.

"Yes baby, I am your parent now, and so is Taetum," I confirm with a bright smile, and a small nod of my head.

"We still call you Kee and Tae?" Orlando questions curiously, after gaining my attention.

"You can call us that, or you can call us papa and daddy," Taetum answers for us.

Orion and Orlando seriously stare between Taetum and me for several seconds before slowly nodding with Orlando saying; "Okay, daddy."

We meet our family in the lobby of the courthouse where we take a small amount of pictures with everyone in celebration before driving home for a celebratory lunch. I have ordered pizzas, bread sticks, and sodas for delivery.

"Alright my babies, let's head inside," I say when we arrive home, and Taetum and I get them from their car seats in my new van, and we head inside our home with our family.

Everyone settles in, and I look around our conjoined family, and I cannot help the grin of contentment that fills my body. Jumping slightly when Taetum wraps his arms around my waist to pull my back into my chest with a gentle kiss to my neck.

"Hey my lovely muse, are you okay?" he murmurs into my right ear before gently kissing the shell.

"I am just perfect, my love," I murmur, snuggling further back into his body. "I am just enjoying the view in front of me."

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