Chapter 9

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Keelan's P.O.V.

5:30 p.m. on the dot, Em knocks once on the front door before he is opening it, and entering the house. There is a long standing rule with him and our house, that he just knocks once, and can enter without having to wait to be let inside.

"Hello fam!" Emmett calls as he enters the living room carrying a bag for the night, where I am with Kenley and Billy while dad's in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Emmett!" Kenley and Billy holler as they plow into his body as he enters the room with a gigantic smile on his lips.

"Hey Emmett!" dad calls out with a chuckle as I fondly shake my head at the three of them.

Kenley and Billy skip back over to the coffee table to continue with their board game as I stand from the couch where I was watching them play.

"Hi," I greet my friend with a toothy smile as we hug.

"Hey man," he says as we continue to hug, and he quietly asks me a question. "Did you enjoy your half day from school?"

"Yeah! I turned in all of my homework, projects, and got my homework from the classes I missed. Dad and I had lunch together at 'Luigi's', and I took a nap," I quietly answer as he carries his bag to my bedroom.

He and I will sleep in the living room on the couches, but he will keep his bag in the bedroom until he heads home sometime tomorrow.

"Nice," he grins as he drops the bag onto the floor by the dresser. "Oh, I had an interesting conversation with Taetum at work today."

Cue the instant full body blush at the mention on Taetum; "Yeah? What did you guys talk about?"

"You mainly, and he and I exchanged numbers," he replies with a smirk. "He wanted yours, but I told him I wouldn't give it to him without your permission."

"Thanks, Em," I shyly say.

"I hope you guys can become friends," Emmett grins with a wink as we settle on the bed, his head resting on my pillow. 

"You are not being serious?" I grumble as I snuggle into his side with the furious blush still in tact.

"Oh, but I am being serious, my dear Keelan," he chuckles as he lightly tightens his arm around my waist. "I won't push you into something you do not want to do. I just think you and Taetum would be an adorable couple though, and that is all I am going to say about this."

Humming, I trace the tip of my nails over his shirt covered stomach while I think for a moment before saying; "I think we would be, too. I just worry about a few things, like how do I explain I am adopted, why I was adopted? How do I explain piebaldism, and that it is genetic?"

"You do not have to tell him anything, or explain either thing to him right away," Em replies softly as he lightly squeezes my hip where his hand is resting. "You should tell him eventually thought, even if you just remain friends."

"I know," I murmur, pressing my face into his warm, scented skin of his neck. "I just need to get over my insecurities."

"In due time, Kee, you will get over those, but do not force yourself into doing something  before you are ready," he gently tells me, but with a slight firmness in his tone.

"Boys, dinner is done!" dad calls from the kitchen.

Groaning, I sit up as does Emmett, and we leave the bedroom to head into the kitchen to grab our share of dinner.

"Smells great, daddy K," Emmett praises in appreciation to the pizzas that dad has made.

Dad made one pizza strictly pepperoni and cheese since that is what Kenley and Billy like, and one pizza with pepperoni, sausage, onions, and mushrooms for himself, Emmett, and me.

"Suck up," dad teases with a grin as he hands Kenley and Billy their plates with two slices each, and they know they can have more if they are still hungry. "Thank you, though, Em."

The two younger boys head to the table with their plates as dad, Em, and I place four slices each onto our plates before joining the boys. Dad has already placed napkins, and cans of soda on the middle of the table for everyone to take. Emmett has called dad 'daddy K' for the last couple of years, and I think dad really likes that my friend is comfortable enough to call him this.

"So, I have heard through the work grapevine that you might have a little crush on the new guy," dad causally comments, looking over at me with a smirk.

Giving him a deadpan expression as I answer; "I have no idea what you are talking about, dad."

"Oh, I am sure you do, Keelan," dad says grinning. "I have been told that you are extremely giddy and nervous around Taetum. I have also heard that Taetum feels the same way about you."

Billy and Kenley seem invested in this conversation, and Emmett is grinning like a fool at me, but stays out of this making me love my bestie even more.

Sighing at my dad, mumbling; "Maybe I do, and maybe I don't. What you have heard is right on my end, but you do not need to worry though because I won't let it mess with the great flow of the work place. He and I will never date because there is no way he is interested in me romantically."

"You do not know that until you make a leap of hope, and ask him how he feels about you, and perhaps go out on a date," dad encourages with a tiny smile.

I give dad a tiny smile, but I do not respond because I know if I answer how I feel about this, dad and Emmett will tell me I am wrong. I know deep down in my heart that they are right, but trying to explain that to the rest of my heart, and my brain will not accept this.

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