Chapter 18

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Fuck me hard, I hope Keelan enjoys our date this afternoon. I ran the date idea past B and Emmett, and they both thought it was a great idea, especially Emmett. I did an internet search for amazing date ideas, and decided on taking Keelan and I to an outdoor, night concert since Keelan cannot be exposed to too much sun because of his piebaldism. I do not want this skin to burn. We are going to have dinner before the concert, too.

Standing out side of his home by 4:29 p.m., and I knock three times before dropping my right arm back to my side as I wait for the door to be opened. About a minute later, Mr. Reed opens the door with a smile as he gestures for me to walk inside the house.

"Hi, Mr. Reed, how are you?" I greet with my own smile as I step past him, and he he shuts the door behind me.

"I am well, thanks, Taetum," he answers. "How are you?"

"I am good, but nervous about Keelan's reaction to our date," I honestly reply, and Mr. Reed gives me an encouraging smile.

"I am sure Kee will love whatever you have planned," he tries to sooth as Keelan steps into the kitchen with a bright smile on his plump lips.

"I will leave you two alone," Mr. Reed smirks with a brighter smile as he walks off as Keelan walks toward me.

"You look amazing, love," I praise as I take in his outfit.

He is dressed in a pair of black joggers, black faux Ugg boots, and a long sleeve white shirt. Yes, I truly do find him sexy no matter what he is wearing. No, I do not just mean he is physically sexy as he is sexy on the inside, too.

"Thank you, Taetum, and so are you," he murmurs with tinted cheeks as he shyly rakes his gaze up and down my body.

"Thank you, love," I reply with a grin as I reach forward to gently take his hands into mine. "Are you ready to leave?"

Keelan silently nods as he calls out his goodbye to his dad and brother, both returning the farewell.

Keelan hums softly with a cheerful smile; "Can I admit that I am slightly nervous about this date? I am not nervous about being out with you, or what we will be doing. I am nervous about screwing up, and ruining what you have planned."

"I am positive you won't screw anything up," I assure as we leave the house toward my vehicle.

Keelan does not respond, but he does tighten his grip on my hand slight which I return. Opening the passenger side door for him with an exaggerated bow and a wink.

"My kind, sir, your ride awaits," I say with a horrible British accent.

He loudly giggles behind his left hand with scrunched up eyes as he settles into the seat, and he has reacted the exact way I wanted him, too.

Grinning broadly at him as I shut the door, then quickly making my way around the hood to my side. Climbing inside, I give him another wink as we buckle ourselves before I start the engine, and drive us off toward our destination.

"Can I please have a hint as to where we are going?" Keelan quietly requests as he lightly runs the tips of his fingers of his right hand over my right hand.

"Here is your hint," I grin with a quick glance toward him before focusing on the road again. "We are going somewhere outside after we have dinner."

When he does not answer, I quickly glance at him to see that he is lightly sucking on his lower lip, and he looks to be deep in thought.

"Are we going mini golfing?" he asks softly once I have looked back at the road.

"Nope, but that is a good guess though," I answer as I turn onto a side street toward the park.

"Our date is at the park?" he softly questions with humor in his voice.

"Yup," I grin as I turn into the parking lot, and park in a spot near the exit for an easy exit at the end of the concert.

There are several cafes and restaurants within a short walking distance of the park. We climb out, shutting the vehicle doors behind us, and I lock the doors behind us with the key fob. Keelan gently slips his hand into mine, and I smile down at him for this as we walk toward the cafes and restaurants.

"What kind of food are you in the mood for, Keelan?" I ask as we walk closer to the food options. "There are Mexican, Italian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and American."

"Um, can we have Italian? I am in the mood for either ravioli or a pizza," he answers timidly, like I am going to be upset with his choice.

Grinning over at him with an eager nod; "That sounds wonderful! I can go for a pizza, should we share that?"

Entering the restaurants behind Keelan after opening the door for him with a wink, and earning a light blush from him. We are shown to a table for two almost immediately by an lovely woman with long graying brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. She looks as if she would be a lovely grandma.

"What kind of toppings do you want?" I ask once we are seated, and the lady has left us alone at the table with two menus.

"Um, I like mushrooms, onions, cheese, and pepperoni," he hesitantly replies as he does not bother to look at a menu, and neither am I.

"Those toppings sound great to me," I say with a grin as I reach across the table with my right hand to gently take his left hand into mine with a soft smile.

"Are you sure those toppings are okay with you? I can always take off whatever toppings I do not like," he shyly asks as he nervously plays with the silverware in front of him.

Nodding with a reassuring smile as I reply; "I am absolutely sure. When I order pizza for myself, I always have those on my pizza."

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