Chapter 21

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Keelan's P.O.V.

After Taetum dropped me off at home Saturday night when our date ended, I went inside, greeted dad, and excitedly told him about our date. I did leave out a few things like the kissing, and Taetum and I admitting that we like / love each other.

When I finally made my way to my bedroom, I changed into my jammies after using the toilet, brushing my teeth, and washing my face. Once I was settled under the covers of my bed, I did an internet search for fun date ideas for the night time.

After an hour of searching, I decided on taking Taetum to the planetarium after we have dinner at the Thai place. While we were texting Sunday night before we went to sleep, he mentioned Thai is one of his favorite types of food. I just hope he enjoys the planetarium when we arrive there for the show that starts at 7 p.m. tonight. He has never mentioned a like or dislike of the planetarium, so I am taking a chance he will enjoy this date.

"Kee-Kee, are you and Taetum boyfriends?" Kenley asks curiously from his seat in dad's car behind dad's seat as we head home from work.

"Nope. We are just dating," I honestly answer, turning my upper body toward him from the front passenger seat to look at him with a confused expression.

Kenley surprises me when he instantly frowns at me as he asks in confusion; "Why not?"

"Because neither of us have asked the other to be their boyfriend," I answer honestly with a shrug of my right shoulder.

"Well, maybe then you should ask him then," Kenley says with a bright smile.

Kenley grins triumphantly at me as he settles back in his seat, and I turn forward with a giggle as dad chuckles. Arriving home, I rush inside the house to quickly shower, change into my clean clothes that I picked out this morning before leaving for school, brush my teeth and hair before heading to the front door to leave.

"Dad, what time is my curfew?" I ask him as I enter the kitchen where he is making dinner for him and Kenley.

"Be home by 11 p.m., okay? You have school in the morning," dad answers, glancing at me over his shoulder with a smile.

Nodding at him as I slip my black Vans on my feet, and then standing up-right with a wave goodbye at him and Kenley; "Okay. Bye, and I love you both. My phone is fully charged and on, and the volume is off."

"Bye, love you, too!" dad says with Kenley saying the same thing, too as I open the front door, and stepping outside the house.

Shutting the door behind me, I ran over to dad's car which I have permission to drive, obviously. Once I am buckled, and the engine is started, I back from the driveway, and drive toward Taetum's apartment. I have classical music playing softly from my iPhone that is connected to the radio. Classical music calms my anxiety, and I know this might sound strange to some, but it works for me.

Pulling into an empty parking spot of the apartment complex, I turn the engine off, climbing out, and rush to the main door. Riding the elevator to Taetum's floor, and once the door is opened, I skip down the hallway, and stop in front of his door, that I knock on twice before I wait for Taetum to answer. When the door opens, I am taken back when it is opened by an older man who looks to be in his mid forties. The man is extremely attractive with his short salt and pepper hair, and dark blue eyes.

"U-um, I am sorry, I must have the wrong apartment," I stammer with wide eyes even though I am positive that I am at the right apartment.

Quickly turning, I start speed walking toward the elevator, and I am halfway there when there is a shout; "Hey, wait! Are you Keelan?"

Instantly stopping in surprise, I turn back around to face the man from the door as he is now standing in the hallway looking at me.

"Y-yeah, how do you know this?" I say, trying to keep the fear from my voice.

"You are at the right apartment," the man says, confusing me even more. "Taetum is finishing up his shower, so that is why he did not answer the door."

Timidly walking back to the man, a little weary of who the man is, and why is he in Taetum's apartment.

"W-who are you?" I timidly ask when I am about a foot away from him.

"Oh, I am so sorry, love," the man says as I follow behind him inside the apartment. "I am Hayden Ross, Taetum's papa."

"Oh! Um, it is nice to meet you, sir," I murmur, completely uncomfortable with his parent here when I am picking Taetum up for our date.

"Now, none of that 'sir' stuff, love. Please call me Hayden," he quickly replies as I shut the door behind me. "Come into the living room with me, and we will wait together for Taetum, and he should not be much longer."

Swallowing thickly as we step into the living room where there are two more people sitting on the furniture - another older man, and a girl around my age who looks familiar, but I am not sure why.

"Oh, hello," I shyly greet them with a tiny wave as they both wave back at me in greeting.

"Pres, Tay, this is Keelan," Hayden introduces me to them, and their eyes are intently starring at me. "Keelan, this is my husband, and Taetum's dad, Preston, and his younger sister Taylor."

"You are in most of my classes," Taylor comments, and that is when I realize that is why she looks familiar.

Slowly nodding in agreement as I fidget on my feet, silently wishing Taetum would hurry up since I am here alone with his family.

"Taetum is right, you are very beautiful, Keelan," Hayden comments, and I drop my gaze to the floor with pink tinted cheeks.

"Thank you, sir," I murmur as I hear Taetum's bedroom door open, making me sigh softly in relief.

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