Chapter 17

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Keelan's P.O.V.

"I have not been sleeping well," I shrug at his question.

"Why have you not been sleeping well?" he demands, not letting this topic go much to my aggravation.

Scowling at him with a deep sigh; "I can't get my mind to shut up when I try to sleep, and when I am able to sleep, I have nightmares. It is not a big deal."

Taetum instantly frowns at me for my answer; "I am sorry you are having sleeping problems. What can I do to help you?"

Shrugging back at him as I drop my gaze from his from embarrassment; "Nothing. I just have to make myself an appointment with my therapist."

"That is a wonderful thing, having a therapist to speak with about life and any problems," he praises, earning a deep crimson blush from me.

"I need to get back to Kenley, so we can bet back to our shoot," I shyly say with a smile, and a wave before turning around to walk over to my brother, and retrieve him from Kerry.

"Come on, Ken, let's get to work," I say with a cherry smile toward my little brother.

Kenley eagerly nods from his spot next to Kerry as he skips over to me, and we head over to the new photographer, Micah. He is in his mid to late twenties, pale skin, shocking red hair, and pretty green eyes.

"Alright boys, let's get working," Micah gently says with a warm smile.

Three hours later, Kenley and I are done, and once dad is finished with his work in his office, we will head for home. After Kenley and I change back into our clothes, we head toward dad's office, and we will spend time in the conference room doing our homework until dad is ready to leave.

"Hey Keelan, wait up!" Emmett calls from behind us, and Kenley and I stop to wait for him to catch up to us.

"Did Taetum talk to you about why you have been pulling back from us?" he asks with a worried expression once he is standing in front of me.

"Yeah," I reply in a clipped tone, suddenly angry, but not sure why I feel this way toward Emmett.

"Do you wanna do something just you and me Thursday night?" he asks with a slight frown at my snippy tone.

"No, sorry, but I already have plans for that night, and I have plans on Saturday, too," I reply with a frown.

"What are you doing those nights?" he questions with furrowed brows.

Sighing softly as I shift my weight between my feet; "Thursday night I am going out with two friends, and Saturday, I am going on a date with Taetum."

Emmett's eyes widen; "W-what? You are going on a date with Taetum? You have new friends, when did this happen? Who are they?"

Lightly sucking my lower lip into my mouth for a second before answering his questions; "Yes, I am going on a date with Taetum. He asked me on a date, and I said yes. My new friends are from school, Tyler and Axel."

"Why do you have new friends?" he sadly asks in a small voice, like he is slightly hurt by my answers.

"Because I am allowed to have friends outside of you, Taetum, and Blake. I guess I consider Blake a friend," I answer with a frown. "I am allowed to have friends that are my age."

Yes, I know I do not actually have to explain myself to him, but since he has been my best friend for a long time, I feel I should.

"Oh," Emmett says as he studies my face for several seconds before replying. "Do they treat you well?"

Nodding as the three of us walk toward dad's office; "Yeah, I would not be their friend if they didn't."

"I just had to check to make sure," he mumbles as Kenley bounces ahead of us to the empty conference room where our backpacks are for us to do our homework.

"Thanks for checking," I murmur as we stop just outside the door of the conference room.

"I always will," he smiles as he gently pulls me into a tight, bone crushing hug. "I do love you, Kee, even if I suck showing you this sometimes."

"I love you, too, Em," I murmur into his chest as we tighten our arms tightly around each other.

"Kee-Kee, can you help me with my English homework, please?" Kenley sweetly asks as he opens the door.

Pulling back from Emmett's hold, and turns around with a smile at my little brother with a nod; "Sure, bub."

Emmett tells us goodbye as I follow Kenley into the room as Emmett turns toward the door, and heads to wherever he is going. Sitting down next to my brother, I help him with his English homework for twenty minutes before starting my own homework. Two hours later, the conference room door opens with dad stepping inside with a tired smile at us as Kenley and I start packing away our school stuff. Dad's entrance was good timing since Kenley and I just finished our homework.

"Are you both ready to go home, and did you finish your homework?" dad tiredly asks with a soft yawn behind his left hand.

"Yes to both," I reply for Kenley and I as we stand with the bag straps over our shoulders. "Do you want me to cook dinner tonight?"

"Sure. What are you thinking of making?" dad asks as we leave the conference room.

"Can you make your lasagna, Kee-Kee?" Kenley excitedly requests as he bounces along in front of dad and me as we approach the doors.

"Is lasagna okay with you dad?" I ask him as we walk out of the building, and dad agrees with the dinner choice, and I grin over at Kenley. "Lasagna it is then."

"Yeah!" Kenley cheers with a fist bump in the air as we reach dad's car, and we climb in, and that is exactly what I make for dinner.

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