Chapter 16

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Watching Mr. Reed's car drive away from my apartment, it feels as if my heart has dropped down into my stomach as I turn to rejoin B and Emmett.

"Kee will get over this, Taet," Emmett gently tells me with a reassuring smile. "He just gets in his head sometimes, and overthinks, and that is when the bad thoughts happen."

"I am the reason for the over thinking, and any bad thoughts he is currently having," I grumble as Blake shuffles the playing cards as he silently stares at me.

"I get that, I do, but he will be fine, I promise," Emmett tries to assure me again.

"You sound harsh, like you do not care about your best friend's feelings," Blake states with a frown as he deals the cards.

"I am not trying to be harsh, but I know him," Emmett replies. "He just needs time to think over how he feels. Now, I am not saying he still won't be hurt over or upset over this, but he will eventually come around to himself again."

"I hope you are right," I murmur, sucking my lover lip into my mouth in worry.

A month has passed since the night of the sleepover incident, and Keelan has not gone back to his old self with me. If nothing else, it seems he is and has pulled back some from me. Blake, Emmett, and I have hung out four more times since then, and Keelan refuses to join us.

"Hey, can I talk to you after work for a few minutes?" I ask Emmett in between outfit changes.

Em nods as me make our way over to Kerry, and once we are done with him, Emmett quietly asks; "Does this have anything to do with Keelan?"

Briefly nodding as I murmur; "Yes. He is withdrawing from me."

Emmett hums as we walk over to Rachael; "He is doing the same thing with me which sucks."

"Fuck," I mumble as Rachael focuses her attention on us from her camera.

She explains how she wants us to pose, and this is how we s[end the next three hours. A half an hour later, Keelan and Kenley arrive, and Keelan looks exhausted with deep purple bruising under his beautiful eyes. Discreetly bumping my fingers against Emmett's side, he glances at me with a curious expression, then follows my gaze over to where I am looking. We watch Kenley and Keelan walk by us toward Kerry.

"He looks rough, like he did when I first met him when he was being fostered by Kyler," Emmett murmurs into my ear.

"Hey Rachael, can I have a ten minute break?" I ask her hopefully as I flicker my gaze over to Keelan, hoping she understands what I want.

"Sure, nothing more than that though," she answers with a tiny smile as I quickly offer my thanks as I rush toward Keelan.

Slowing down my pace once I am about two feet away, so I do not stress Kenley out at my rapid approach; "Hey Keelan, can I speak with you for a second?"

His eyes meet mine through the mirror, and he looks just over being around me already; "Sure."

"You are done, Keelan, and now for Kenley," Kerry states with a gentle smile toward me as Keelan stands from the chair.

"Come on," Keelan grumbles to me as he walks toward the changing area.

"What?" he asks softly when we reach the changing area, and we are alone.

"Why are you withdrawing from Emmett and me?" I demand, my voice not gentle as I get right to the point.

He raises his left eyebrow at me as he crosses his arms over his chest; "I decided that I needed too. I decided I need to find friends that are my own age, and I have done this by the way."

My jaw drops down in surprise; "Why? Now do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with you having more friends. Are you pulling away from Emmett and me because I forgot to invite you to the over night a month ago?"

"Yes, well partially," he shrugs. "I just realized I need a friend or two that are my age, and let the three of you have some friend time without me around which you should have. Let's face reality, Taetum, you do not need a kid around."

"Keelan, we want you around," I insist with a slight pout. "I want you around. I enjoy your company, and I truly believe that you are an amazing person. I want to take you out on a date," I word vomit in hopes that Keelan understands how important he is to me.

"W-what? What was the last thing you said?" he stammers in shock with what looks to be surprise, and wide blue eyes.

"I want to take you out on a date," I repeat with a shy smile.

"R-really? You really want to take me on a date?" he asks for confirmation, like he cannot believe that I would want to do this.

"Yes, I really want to take you on a date. Is this hard to believe?" I ask with my smile widening to a large, toothy smile.

Keelan sucks on his lower lip as he thinks, making my anxiety spike a little before he slowly nods; "I would really like that."

"Awesome! When are you available for our date?" I eagerly ask as I bounce slightly on my feet, and my happiness that he agreed to a date with me.

"Um, anytime really except for Thursday night since I already have plans for that night," he shyly answers with a tiny grin, and sparkling eyes.

"How about Saturday?" I ask, thinking that would give me more time to plan our date, and more time to spend together on the date.

"That sounds good to me," he replies, bouncing on his toes. "What time, and where should I meet you? How should I dress?"

"Dress casual but comfy," I tell him, already having the start of a plan on what we will be doing. "I will pick you up from your home at 4:30 p.m., okay?"

Keelan gives me a thoughtful expression for a second before agreeing to everything I said.

"Now, why do you look as if you have not slept in days?" I ask, needing this answered.

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