Chapter 4

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Taetum's P.O.V.

Leaving my new job, I have a slight bounce in my step because of the beautiful boy eyed boy I worked with today. I am excited to work with Keelan for however long we are able too. I know we will have every shot together, but I think I will be happy just being near him, and hopefully become his friend, and then maybe one day more. I would also like for his brother to become comfortable with me, too as I hate the idea that he is scared of me.

Climbing into my car, I drive myself to the grocery store to buy food for dinner, a few drinks, and some snacks for tonight. Parking in the lot of the store, I shut off the engine, and grab my cell from the passenger seat to text my best friend Blake Gentry.

'Hey, you are still coming to mine for dinner tonight?' I send as I climb out of my 2019 red Ford Mustang.

'Yup! Will be there at 5 p.m. unless you are running late from work? What should I bring?' he sends back as I enter the local grocery store.

'You can bring something to drink if you want,' I reply as I grab a small cart, and starting walking toward the aisle I need.

Grabbing the ingredients to make two homemade pizzas, four 2-liters of soda, two bags of 'Doritos', and a package of 'Double Stuffed Oreos.' Walking toward the checkout, I notice Keelan and Kenley already standing in a checkout line with a basket with a few items in it that Keelan is holding.

Walking to the lane they are standing at, I stand about a foot behind them before gently speaking; "Hello again."

Keelan slightly jumps before he and his brother turn to face me, and Kenley gives me a frown as Keelan gives me a bright smile as he answers; "Hi Taetum. Buying food for dinner tonight?"

Nodding slightly as I answer; "Yup. My buddy is coming over to mine to have dinner with me, and to hangout."

"That's cool. What is your friend's name?" Keelan questions with a smile as we move up in line.

I fondly answer him as he starts placing their items on the conveyor belt as Kenley moves to be in front of his brother; "His name is Blake. We have been friends since we were toddlers as we met in preschool, and have been besties since then."

Keelan's smile fondly widens; "That's awesome."

"Kinda sounds like you and Emmett," Kenley whispers, making me smile toward him.

"You and your friend have been close for a long time?" I ask Keelan curiously with my smile still in place.

He nods as I start placing my items on the belt behind Keelan's remaining items as he answers me; "Yeah. We have not been friends have not been friends as long as you and Blake. We have been friends for almost five years. We became friends when he beat the hell out of a bully who was beating the piss out of me one day at school."

My eyebrows instantly shoot toward my hairline in shock; "You had a bully? That is so wrong of that person to do that to you!"

Keelan hums as he shrugs his shoulders; "I was used to having my ass kicked by bullies."

Now, I am deeply frowning at him, and his nonchalant answer because no one should be used to this kind of treatment from others.

"You should never be okay with something like that. No one should be okay with being treated horribly," I gently yet firmly tell him, and I hope his brother heard me, too though I am sure he has been told this information.

Keelan hums at me in reply, but does not verbally respond as the cashier starts scanning Keelan's items. Keelan gently taps Kenley's left shoulder to get the boy to walk forward so Keelan can pay. He pays in cash, then he and Kenley grab the four bags, each taking two as the cashier starts scanning my items. Keelan quietly tells me goodbye with a small wave, and Kenley meekly waves at me, too, and I respond the same.

Watching them walk off, I cannot help but grin at the sight of Kenley grasping on Keelan's hand tightly in his own as they walk the parking lot to their vehicle. Keelan climbs inside the driver's side after his brother is settled in the back seat, and the bags are in the vehicle. Keelan drives them wherever they are going, and he looks adorable sitting in the driver's seat.

"$35.98 is your total," the female cashier dully says as she obnoxiously chomps on her gum.

Swiping my debit card as I irritably punch in my pin code as I try not to snap at her for her chewing gum habit. Once I have my receipt and four bags in hand, I tell her that her chewing habit is that of a barn animal eating a meal. The girl rolls her eyes, but does not stop as I roll my own eyes at her, and I leave the store with a shake of my head. Yeah, I probably should not have said anything, but how she is chewing her gum is one of my pet peeves as it's like nails on a chalkboard.

Placing my bags in the front passenger seat as I sit down on the driver's seat. Starting the engine, I drive myself home to my amazing new apartment. I moved into my apartment a month ago after moving out of my parents' home. I have two dads - my biological dad Hayden, and my step-dad Preston. I also have a 17-year-old sister named Taylor, and she is Preston's biological daughter. Tay's mum died in childbirth because of complications with the birth. Our dad's started dating when I was eight, and Taylor was five, and they married when we were ten and seven.

I love our blended family, and I want to have at least three of my own babies one day with the man of my dreams. I am not sure how we will have our children, but I am excited no matter how they come into our lives. I just want to start that chapter of my life sooner rather than later.

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