Chapter 23

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Keelan's P.O.V.

After an amazingly delicious dinner, Taetum drives us to our next destination, and I am extremely curious to where we are going. I refuse to ask because I do not want a hint.

"I hope you like where we are going, and at the end, please tell me if you liked it our not?" I request, then suck on my lower lip in nerves. "If you hate it, I promise I will not be offended or mad."

"I promise to let you know either way at the end of the night," Taetum promises, making my anxiety calm a little.

"Thank you," I murmur, turning left onto the road the planetarium is located.

"And we are here," I say, turning into the parking lot, and search for an empty parking space which I find a minute later.

"We are gonna watch a show?" he asks, and he sounds excited which makes me happy.

"Yes we are," I answer, turning off the engine, pocketing the keys before turning to look at his excited face. "Is this alright with you?"

Taetum eagerly nods; "I have not been to one of these since I was a child, and came with the school. I have been wanting to come here ever since, but never have made the time."

Grinning broadly at him as I eagerly unbuckle him and me; "Then let's go!"

We climb out, shutting the vehicle doors behind us to meet at the trunk of the car to hold hands as I lock the doors with the key fob as we walk to the entrance.

"We can bypass the ticket line since I have already bought our tickets online," I shyly tell him as we enter the building.

"Well, aren't you just full of wonderful surprises," he praises, and I softly hum with a tender smile at him.

Pulling my cell from my back pocket to pull up the email with the tickets to show the person at the entrance of the auditorium where the show is located. Turning the screen toward the woman, so she can scan the bar code, and once her scanner beeps, she smiles at us, and tells us that she hopes we enjoy the show. We thank her as we walk past her into the large room with comfy looking recliner type chairs.

"Where would you like to sit?" I ask while looking around the partially filled room.

"How about the back area?" he replies, gesturing toward the third row down from the top.

"Okay," I agree, and he lets me walk ahead of him into the row, and I walk us to the middle two seats before sitting down with an eager, yet nervous smile.

After he sits next to me, I turn my entire body toward him, and quickly say; "Taetum, I have an important question for you."

His face becomes serious as he nods; "Okay, go ahead when you are ready."

Swallowing thickly, I quickly ask; "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Taetum smiles brightly at me with a quick nod; "I would love to be your boyfriend! I was gonna ask you the same question at the end of our date."

Leaning over, I press our lips together in a soft kiss with my left hand wrapped around the back of his neck as he wraps his right hand around the back of mine. We pull apart with lust filled eyes when the overhead headlights dim for the start of the program. An hour and a half later, the program ends, and I know that Taetum and I will be back because we both greatly enjoyed the event.

"That was awesome!" I giggle as we exit the planetarium toward dad's car, and Taetum quickly agrees with a crinkly smile.

When we reach the car, I hop onto the trunk of the car, sitting on my butt with a loud giggle at Taetum's shocked expression. He steps in between my legs, his hands lightly running upwards from my knees to mid thighs with a grin.

"You are beautiful inside and out, and I am happy to be able to call you my boyfriend," he whispers before connecting our lips together with a gentle squeeze of my thighs.

Whimpering into the kiss, my member became painfully hard with the kiss, and him squeezing my thighs. Taetum runs his hands up and over my body to rest his hands on my lower back just above the waist. Pulling apart slightly, he rests his forehead against mine as we stare at each other with goofy smiles upon kiss swollen lips, and fully blown eyes.

"Can you spend the night tomorrow night at mine, and would you like too that is?" he murmurs with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, I want to, and I will ask dad after I get home, and let you know tonight," I instantly murmur as I slightly bounce in my spot.

Taetum grins with a nod as I slid off the trunk to my feet to drive him home, and then myself. I do not want our date to end yet, but I am excited to ask dad about staying at Taetum's tomorrow night. Arriving home, I bounce inside the house, dropping dad's keys onto a hook by the door. Checking the living room for dad since he is not in the kitchen, but he is not there either. Walking up to his bedroom, and that is where I find him. Kenley is already in bed and asleep, and dad is ready for bed, lying under the bed covers as he reads a novel.

"Hey dad," I softly greet as I knock lightly on the door. "Can I ask you a question before you go to sleep?"

"Hey Kee, of course you can," he answers while slipping a bookmark in his spot before closing the book, and placing it on his nightstand.

Taking three steps into his room, I play with my fingers as I nervously ask; "Um, I was wondering if I can spend the night at Taetum's tomorrow?"

Dad remains quiet for sever seconds as he thinks as he stares at me before slowly nodding; "I agree, but only on a few conditions. 1) If you two have sex, make sure it is safe sex. 2.) Do not do drugs or drink alcohol. 3.) Do no do anything stupid that will get either of you in legal trouble."

Nodding eagerly, I softly squeal; "Thank you! I promise to meet all of your conditions."

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