Chapter 58 He Hasn't Heard How Much He Eats

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When Tang Guo woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and he was alone again.

He looked left and right, but did not see any information left by Xi Yihan. There is no mobile phone information, no note, bastard!

After Tang Guo washed and sorted herself in slow motion, she went downstairs to find something to eat. His mind is dizzy now, his steps are heavy, and the whole person is super uncomfortable.

He yawned and sniffed, blinked away the tears in his eyes and reached out to touch his stomach. He felt that it must be related to hunger, and he had to eat a lot to make up for it later!

The bastard Xi Yihan, how full he was fed last night, how much he was squeezed later! Really, if you want to go too far,

he has only heard that he will pay it back sooner or later, but he has never heard that he will be squeezed as much as he eats!

"Housekeeper, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry."


Tang Guo I found the housekeeper and said aggrievedly with a flat mouth. He felt gold stars in his eyes, and it was very uncomfortable. If he doesn't eat to replenish his body, he's probably going to lie down on the ground.

"Young Master Tang, of course there are! You sit and wait for a while, and I'll have someone serve it now."

"Okay, trouble the housekeeper."

Tang Guo shuffled to the table and sat down After getting off, he lay down on the table, waiting for the food to arrive.

I was squeezed to the point of not knowing when, and when I woke up, I didn't see anyone, and I had to find food by myself. Suddenly I felt so miserable



The housekeeper smiled and looked at Tang Guo who was lying on the table, "Young Master Tang, hurry up and eat."

Tang Guo sat up vigorously, picked up chopsticks and started eating. I just don't know why, but I suddenly lost my appetite after taking a few bites


"Mr. Tang, is the food unappetizing? Let me prepare it again?"

"No, it's all I like to eat. But I don't know why, just Suddenly I can't eat anymore." Yes


Tang Guo frowned, he was obviously very hungry, and these were all he liked to eat. So he didn't think that he couldn't eat after only a few bites!

"Then Tang Shao is not feeling well? His face doesn't look very good."


Tang Guo suddenly changed his face, covered his mouth and ran directly to the office of President Xi's.

Xi Yihan was sitting at the desk, holding the He was holding the document, but he couldn't read it at all.

He woke up at noon today, and then he remembered what happened last night and what he did to Tang Guo after drinking, and he was very annoyed. He didn't know for a while. What should he do, he chose to come to the company.

He thought he could calm himself down through work, but he had no intention of doing it at all. The

knock on the door sounded, Xi Yihan frowned and restrained his emotions, and then he Let someone come in.

Mo Nianyu walked in and angrily questioned Xi Yihan, "Xi, why did you suddenly want to see the Li Group's project? what are you going to do? "

Xi Yihan said indifferently, "Just take a look. ""have a look? Are you sure you are watching? Did Tang Guo ask you to invest in Li again? Can you wake up a bit? do what he says

What, have you considered the consequences? If it goes on like this, it will not benefit the company at all! Besides, did he appreciate you for what you did for him? Is he moved? He is not the same, he has to leave you all the time! Really, hurt you! Don't pamper him any more!

Xi Yihan doesn't like what outsiders say about Tang Guo, his sour fruit is his favorite no matter what! It's not his turn to be pointed at by outsiders!

"I'm just worried about you! I know you like him, but he doesn't like you, doesn't he? Xi, I..."

Before Mo Nianyu finished speaking, Xi Yihan said The phone rang. After answering the call, his face changed instantly, and then he quickly walked out.

The author has something to say

, thank you for the recommendation tickets of my little cuties?

I love you~

Good night?

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