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*Drug Use*

Monday, November 3rd, 1985
Sierra Household
4:39 AM

Mickayla's POV:

I was awaken from my peaceful sleep by the phone on my nightstand ringing, over and over again

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I was awaken from my peaceful sleep by the phone on my nightstand ringing, over and over again. Who the fuck is calling me at this time? I look at the clock before picking up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked the grogginess in my voice took over as I rub my eyes collecting my thoughts.

"Hey-uh Mickayla. I kinda need your help." Eddie.

"Eddie? How did you get my number? It's 4:40 in the fucking morning Munson."

"I know I'm sorry. I got your number from Robin couple days ago, but uh-I need a ride, I was at my dealers house and shit kinda is going down with this new dealer he's batshit drunk and angry, my ride left"  he chuckles nervously "and I'm pretty fucking scared Sierra."

I sigh into the phone, rubbing my forehead. Who wouldn't I be to throw myself into any situation? Tell me really who?


"Small house on Kerley and West Cornwallis, new dealer in town, heard he's got the good shit, leave the lights off and the car running." He says taking a sharp breath in

"Be there in 10, Munson." I put the phone back on its hook, and change into one of my hoodies. I grab the keys to the Challenger, before walking to my window I take a deep breath in because, Jesus H. Christ. I'm going to need it. I open the window carefully planting my feet onto the roof of downstairs, I set my body to begin climbing down the hidden trellis. Once I'm down to the ground I enter my car, starting it's engine making my way to the address Eddie told me.

As I'm driving the empty road, I can't help but to think what can happen if I'm caught with Eddie, or even Eddie being caught running from these drug dealers. Yeah, sure I can put up a fight but I'm pretty sure drug dealers have guns, and torture people. The music playing from the radio, I lower the beautiful sound of Ozzy Osbourne's "Shot in the Dark." Ironic. How the possibility could happen to me in a couple minutes. I shut off the lights, waiting for an Eddie Munson to come running to safety. I fiddle with my thumb on the steering wheel, waiting, that felt like forever. I don't allow my eyes to move from the house. Come on Munson, you're killing me.

That's when I see it, it of a shadow a big tall long haired figure, speed-walking to my car. Eddie. He enters the passenger seat with shaky breath. "Drive." Is what he says, trying to catch his breath. It was like he saw a ghost. I floor it, sending a loud screech down the road. I just drive to god knows where.

"Are you okay?" I glance over him to see him playing with his rings. He clears his throat before answering.

"Yeah. It was just intense, this new guy, he's pretty uh, how do I put it, oh I don't know fucking insane Sierra." Eddie crossed his arms, the pins on his jean jacket hitting one another, he had used that smug tone in his voice that he always had.

"Maybe it's time for you to stop dealing then Munson, you know, you don't wanna live down that road forever." I suggest as I begin driving down the streets of Hawkins as the sun began to slowly rise.

"Maybe man, but uh, you know gotta get my money somehow, and I'm pretty sure a highschool band who perform at a bar isn't going to cut it."

"Eddie Munson? In a band? When did that happen?" I laugh at him glancing at him embarrassed.

"Actually Sierra, I created that band, lead guitarist and singer baby, Corroded Coffin, we're actually pretty good, but the singing part man, my voice isn't exactly appealing to record labels. You sing Sierra?" Eddie rambles, grinning in the idea he's having about me becoming apart of his band.

"I do, but only when I'm alone, really, I'm not exactly a people's person, besides it's not very good it's just you know singing." I tell him, I pull over and park in a parking lot where I could see the sunset and fog flowing in over our town.

"Let me hear it, your voice." He asked softly but firmly

"I'm not singing Munson, you gotta try harder then that." I groan. "Enough of this, how bout we just sit here in silence and smoke before we go back to my place I'll give you a ride to school, I just gotta take Katherine and change."

"I like the way you think Mickayla." Eddie smiles to me, pulling a finely rolled joint from the pocket of his jean jacket, putting it to his lips and lighting the joint, taking a two hits then passing it to me. I take the joint from his fingers and put it in between my lips, inhaling the smoke, puffing my cheeks, and ghosting the smoke before releasing it from my lungs. After a while of smoking it we completely finished the joint, sitting there giggling at nothing.

"So what's the deal between you and the devil himself." Eddie looks at me with his low red eyes.

"Hargrove? I mean nothing, we're bestfriends but uh,we kissed at Tina's but, I don't know, I'm not really the feelings type of girl you know, I don't wanna just date for sex. If I want sex then I'd just find someone no dating feelings involved." I tell him the smile I had on my face fading turning more into a disappointment. I know Billy wouldn't have the ability to even think about marrying someone let alone be in a relationship with someone, regardless of him being my bestfriend, Billy's the dreamboat asshole, settling for that wasn't really my ideal of a "relationship."

"He's crazy about you Sierra, I'm a dude, he just won't admit it till honestly who knows when. Hargrove's just not in touch with shit, but besides Sierra you're beautiful, don't settle for less. But if eventually you fall for Hargrove, we'll don't let the asshole fuck with that heart." Eddie tells me putting his hand on my knee slapping it for reassurance.

"You're beautiful too Munson, I wouldn't dream of anyone not falling for your beautiful hair." I smile at him, before starting the car, driving back home.


6:30 AM

I pull up to my driveway, shutting off the car, I tell Eddie he's able to come inside for I can simply tell my mother he needed a ride to school so I picked him up early before and he agreed. We walk into my home, seeing my mothers awake watching her morning shows, I let her know what I did for Eddie which she doesn't question. I walk up my stairs to my bedroom Eddie staying downstairs talking with my mother, as I get ready for school. I finish doing the slight bit of makeup I put, changing into my outfit of black leggings, all white converse, and a tan colored shirt with a dark blue-short long sleeved jean jacket that revealed some of my midriff. I hear Billy's Camaro start, as I looked out quickly of my window, to see him smile at me watching him get into his car. I blush and watch him leave, I walk down my stairs grabbing my backpack, Katherine following behind me. I wave towards my mother, walking out the door with Katherine in front of me rushing to the car door, Eddie grabs my hand turning my around a worried expression on his face, fear in his eyes.

"What the matter with you, you look like you seen a ghost Munson." I question him trying to read him as he bites the inside of his cheek, struggling to reply to me.

"Sierra, you didn't fucking tell me your father was the insane drug dealer." He says

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, shock and numbness falling onto my face, I feel my face flash red from hearing those exact words. My dad? What the fuck does he mean "drug dealer?"

"What are you talking about." I asked him staring at him, he notices the expression on my face reading my every emotion.

"I was looking at your family photos, your dad, he was the one last night, the drunk who got aggressive." He says closing his eyes swallowing hard almost as if he didn't want to believe it, his adams apple twitching when he swallows.

"There's no fucking way."


A/N: You see what I did there 👀, the start of Eddie's and Mickayla's beautiful friendship is starting also 🥹
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See you soon take care! <3 -J

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