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*Alcohol/Drug Use*

Tuesday, December 28th, 1985
Random Party House
11:25 PM

Mickayla's POV:

After that irritating stunt and interaction with two people I wanted to not associate myself with once again, I walked into the bathroom to collect myself, splashing water on my damn face attempting

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After that irritating stunt and interaction with two people I wanted to not associate myself with once again, I walked into the bathroom to collect myself, splashing water on my damn face attempting.HOPING. I'd wake up from this god forsaken nightmare of a night. But nope. It wasn't it was real life. Still holding up my cup filled with vodka and cranberry juice I chug the whole damn cup, I felt the alcohol already flowing into my bloodstream relaxing me, calming me, numbing me. A smile forms on my face, along with tears falling down my cheeks wiping the running tears. I take a big deep breath before exiting out the bathroom, Valerie waiting by the door, walking back into the loud music smoked infested color changing room.

Valerie takes my hand as we dance within the others in the living room, dancing along another, I glance to see Argyle and Jonathan high out of their minds on the couch next to a couple practically having sex near them, no care in the world. I walked up to the both of them and grab the remaining joint that was lit up in Argyle's hand, putting it to my lips as he laughs walking back to Valerie who was dancing with some guy. Inhaling the smoke from the joint pushing it out my lips walking back into the kitchen taking shot after shot.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder, thinking it was Valerie or someone just passing through me, but no, it wasn't. It was fucking Ryan.

"H-Hey, how you been Sierra?" He tells me taking a sip from his red solo cup.

"Why are you talking to me?" I say blowing the smoke out from my mouth into the air.

"Catching up. It's been awhile." He says smirking down at me.

"Yeah, well, don't get your hopes up." I start walking back towards Valerie until he grabs my arm.

"Can we talk? Like actually? I rather be your friend for the time you're back here." He says to me giving me puppy dog eyes, his blue eyes were beautiful. But not as beautiful and bright as Billy's.

I sigh giving him a nod to agree with him, tossing the end of the joint to the ground stepping on it. I don't know if it was the alcohol taking over or the weed but somehow I allowed to at least make a conversation with him. He lead me towards the backyard porch, not really that much people around, some stragglers, but still private you can say. We sat on the porch a couple distance between us our feet dangling down it was silent, I sure was hell wasn't going to speak first.

He hesitated to speak before taking a breath, his breath turning into a fog in the air as he exhales. "Can I start off by apologizing for what happened?"

"It's fine, it's in the past now, there's nothing we both can do about it." I start fiddling with my fingers.

"Still do that thing when you're nervous?" He smirks looking at my hands.

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