Chapter Four

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                                                    (Thaddeus's POV)

The fire from his hands had gone away now, though Thaddeus could still feel himself fuming. Zagen had kept an unreadable expression on his face nearly the entire time Brooklyn had spoken with Thaddeus. "I'm taking her room." Thaddeus said after a minute of silence. He'd previously picked the basement because he liked how isolated it was, he was used to that. But now he wanted to be more alert to things since he barely knew what had even happened in the hours of the day.

Zagen didn't argue with that, he simply just nodded. "I guess I should inform you that your cousin is in the room across from you, your uncle's son. My sister and her children are also here in a guest room upstairs." Zagen left for the kitchen after speaking, leaving Thaddeus to think things over. He had heard a little about his cousins from his mother when he was younger, Alastor and Truman, though he hadn't seen those two since he was maybe eight. As for Zagen's sister, Thaddeus didn't know her all that well. Sure, he'd heard vague stories told from Brooklyn, but it wasn't much.

He marched up the stairs, and when he got to the top, he peered into what was now Alastor's room. He basically poked the door open and just stared at his cousin.The boys had a few things in common, orange hair and light skin, though Alastor looked much healthier than Thaddeus did. Their only difference being different physical structures and their eyes. Alastor had yellow ones while Thaddeus's right eye was purple and his left was blue.

Alastor sarcastically shrugged a little. "Hello?" He blankly stared at Thaddeus, who grinned a bit. "Alastor, right? Damn, I haven't seen you since we were kids at that stupid playground." Thaddeus then chuckled, "you had a growth spurt and a half." Alastor looked mildly offended for a moment, standing up. "And you...didn't." Alastor gestured towards Thaddeus, it was true, Thaddeus was shorter than most teens his age, not by a lot, but still. "Well, I bet I could still kick your ass. Especially when it comes to the whole fiery hands thing." Thaddeus's grin only got wider while Alastor frowned.

"How do you even know about that?" Alastor sighed, maybe he didn't like a lot of people knowing. "Gramps told me when he busted me out of that hospital." Thaddeus repiled, now leaning against the door frame. "Hospital?" Alastor raised a brow, "why were you in a hospital? What, you burn yourself or something?" Thaddeus burst out laughing, he did so for a minute, then stopped abruptly. "No, I burned down my school and my mother decided to lock me away. What a bitchy thing to do." He mumbled.

Alastor waved a hand towards his door. "You've explained your life story, you can leave now." He turned to sit back down on his bed, but stopped. "Oh, and for the record, I'd kick your ass, don't try anything funny." Before Alastor could even blink, Thaddeus had fire bursting from his hand. "You wanna put that to the test, tough guy?" He challenged with a confident smirk. But before anything could happen, Zagen had pulled Thaddeus away from the doorway. Both boys hadn't even noticed their grandpa coming upstairs. "Put the flame out." Zagen sternly ordered Thaddeus, who shrugged in sarcastic defeat as he did.

Zagen glanced at both boys before firmly pushing Thaddeus into Brooklyn's former room. "You two are forbidden to fight each other for now. I don't need my house burnt down and I'd like it if one of you didn't end up dead before the day is done. Understood?" Zagen continued looking at the boys. Thaddeus chuckled, "sir yes sir." He jokingly saluted before spinning around and walking further into the room, shutting the door behind him. Zagen looked at the last boy left, Alastor, who sort of just nodded as he shut his door.

"They're gonna be the death of me.." Zagen mumbled as he walked downstairs and back to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Thaddeus flung himself down on the bed inside his new room. It was much better than the basement, where he'd been sleeping on a cot. But hell, the basement was better than a padded, dim, and isolated hospital room. Thaddeus definitely liked how much of a step up he was getting.  


Much shorter chapter than the last, but I'm very excited about this character. The next chapter or two might be from his point of view, not sure.

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