Chapter 18

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Zagen stepped out of his car, staring at the warehouse his casino was buried inside. Yes, he'd given control to Alastor, but Zagen still considered the casino his. Zagen grumbled at the thought of Alastor. He thought Alastor would at least know to take Thaddeus here instead of his house like he'd done.

Thaddeus himself was lying in the backseat, still unconscious from when Alastor had beaten him earlier. Zagen dragged Thaddeus out, who had dried blood on his forehead from a cut, he was also pretty bruised. Zagen felt his blood boil, he too wanted nothing more than to kill Thaddeus. It would be so easy.

But Zagen wouldn't, he knew better, he knew how to better punish Thaddeus for killing Eros. He didn't even care that Thaddeus had also killed Athena, Alastor's girlfriend or whatever, he just cared about his brother.

Zagen chuckled to himself as he grabbed Thaddeus's arm, beginning to drag him around to the back of the building. He knew he was about to lock Thaddeus away again, and to him, it was just funny. It seemed like Thaddeus was always being thrown somewhere.

Zagen opened the back door of the warehouse, soon dragging Thaddeus down a small hallway. Eventually, and after a few turns, he arrived at what honestly looked like a vault door you'd see at a bank. He had to twist a large handle to open it, it doing so with a hiss.

The inside looked almost exactly identical to the shed behind Zagen's home, all steel walls and floor. It was also freezing inside, even more so than the shed. It made Zagen flinch, he always underestimated how much cold actually hurt people with fire abilities.

He yanked Thaddeus inside, locking his eyes onto the back wall, where chains were placed, securely latched into the wall itself. After locking Thaddeus's wrists into the chains, Zagen turned and left quickly, the cold finally got to him. He made a bit of effort to shut the door then left, grabbing his phone out of his pocket as he did.

Alastor was now the first name in his contacts, it used to be Eros, but his brother was gone.

"Do what you want with Thaddeus, he's locked away behind the casino, where I used to put you. Just don't kill him. I know all you see right now is red, but trust me, boy, your revenge will be much sweeter this way. Play the long game here, Alastor, you'll like it." This was the message he'd sent as he headed back to his car.

(Switching to Thaddeus, 30 minutes later)

Thaddeus woke up with a groan, he felt sore and beat. Groggily lifting himself up, Thaddeus's eyes widened once he noticed he was trapped on all sides by steel walls. That was when it hit him just how cold the room was, his body had begun shivering even while he was unconscious earlier.

Thaddeus felt his stomach tighten, he couldn't be back in the shed, could he? Thaddeus tried standing up, but was immediately pulled back down by the freezing chains around his wrists, it was then Thaddeus realized he couldn't be in the shed, that place didn't have chains, and besides, this room was more narrow anyway.

Thaddeus, at first, tried to reach the door. Pounding on it probably wouldn't get it open, however, why not try? But Thaddeus's chains wouldn't let him get close to it. Defeated, he just went to the back wall, his back against it as he sat.

Subconsciously, Thaddeus's body had curled into a ball, and when he noticed it, he straightened his legs out, grumbling. He wouldn't show any kind of weakness, emotional or physical. If there was anything he learned over his long years of being held captive in some place, it was that confidence is key. So Thaddeus decided he'd act as confident as he could for as long as possible, though he felt like he could start panicking in any moment.

"So is this the plan!?" He yelled, he didn't know if anyone could hear him, but he did it anyway. "To lock me up somewhere!? Again! Really!? Is that the best you dipshits could do!?"

Thaddeus was in good health, aside from being very bruised, he knew he had to take advantage of it while he could. So he began trying to snake his wrists out of the chains.

However, Thaddeus had to give up soon, his wrists hurt too much for him to continue. "You know," he began shouting mainly out of boredom and frustration, "I've done this so many damn times, whoever you are, and I have my suspicions, you can't break me in here."

He eyed the door, locking his hateful eyes on it. Whoever was to walk through that door wasn't gonna have a fun time, Thaddeus planned on attacking whoever did, then maybe he could escape that way.

This is by far my shortest chapter so, um, enjoy.

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