Chapter Eleven

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(Okay, I know it's been a while since a chapter was made, but Ferret got locked out of their account and that slowed things down. However, all that's been fixed so chapters can be made again. Thaddeus's sister will be introduced in this chapter, but I have a change for her. Her original age was going to be either nine or ten, she'll be 13 instead.)

Thaddeus watched Alastor enter the house, just staring at him. He felt like his brain would explode, his fists clenched. He couldn't believe Alastor was so cold to him, even after everything. Sure, Alastor had saved him, but then he was instantly threatened by him afterwards. Thaddeus decided he was done trying to be at least somewhat friendly to his cousin, Alastor clearly would never allow it. He went inside a few minutes after Alastor did, assuming he'd already gone upstairs. 

Zagen was sitting on a chair in the living room, Eros wasn't anywhere to be found, which was slightly weird. Thaddeus hadn't seen the two apart since Eros had arrived. Zagen kicked up his leg over the other, grinning at Thaddeus, who narrowed his eyes. 

"Why the grin?" Thaddeus asked, hoping Zagen would have a quicker reply. He didn't want to have a conversation with his grandfather, but he'd have done anything to keep himself from storming after Alastor to kill him, that wouldn't be good for now.

"Because another one of my grandchildren showed up to my door." Zagen said, Thaddeus raised a brow. He was sure Alastor had forced Truman to go anywhere else that wasn't here. He thought about it for a moment before his eyes widened. He rushed further into the living room and there, sitting on the sofa, was Aaria. Aaria looked different than when Thaddeus had last seen her, she was obviously taller, her perfectly straight hair got longer, and was dyed pink for some reason. 

Aaria's eyes lit up when she saw Thaddeus, she stood up, a wide smile on her face. It took her not even three seconds to trap him in a bear hug, which Thaddeus reacted oddly too. He just stood stiff, his arms awkwardly at his side. He hadn't been hugged in a long time, and the fact Aaria was the one doing it felt...amazing. He didn't want to show that in front of Zagen though, so he pulled away.

"What are you doing here? There's no way Mom let you come." Thaddeus said, and just hearing his voice seemed to make Aaria glad. "She hired a babysitter for me when she went to come get you, but she sucks at whispering. I heard her talking with Uncle Bernard on the phone. I snuck away and took a bus." She looked like she was proud of herself, but Thaddeus felt his stomach drop. 

He hated the fact that his little sister was here, he hated the way Zagen looked at her, as if she were some next opportunities. Without thinking twice, Thaddeus grabbed Aaria's arm and marched towards the stairs. Soon he made it his room, and when the two were inside, he shut and locked the door. 

Zagen didn't go after the kids, he figured he could deal with them later.

"It feels good to see you, Ria, it really does. But you can't be here." Thaddeus said as he walked to the bed, where Aaria was already sitting. He took a spot next to her as her face fell. "Why not?" She asked, staring at him. Thaddeus took a breath then sighed. "It's complicated." He eventually said, his eyes pleading with her. He desperately didn't want her asking more questions about it, she seemed to pick up on it.

"You grew." Thaddeus chuckled, looking her up and down. Aaria smiled again, nodding. "I did, didn't I? You did too!" She said, giving him yet another hug, though it was much quicker. "I can't believe it's been five years..." Aaria said, she sounded a bit sympathetic. She didn't know the exact details of what happened to her brother during his trial, she was too young at the time. 

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