Chapter 15

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(seven years after last chapter, go read Ferret's book before this one)

Thaddeus creeped around the side of an old motel, he put his hands inside his black jean jacket pockets. He walked down a hall, studying the motel room doors. Each had a number on it, the number he was looking for, 36, soon came into view. He walked toward it, pressing an ear against the door. He heard faint shuffling, but that was all Thaddeus needed to know.

A wide, evil grin spread across his face as he took a step back. Then, he set his hand ablaze as he launched his leg out, roughly kicking the door in. Now inside, Thaddeus lunged at a man, tackling him to the ground, being able to hold him there,

Thaddeus looked into the terrified eyes of the man, and he only seemed to get even more scared when he locked eyes with Thaddeus, who's glare was psychotically murderous. Thaddeus leaned down, wrapping his flaming hand onto the man's neck, easily scalding it.

As the man screamed, Thaddeus began cackling, then abruptly stopped. "Dolus! It's a shame you can't avenge that brother of yours. I'll send you crawling to the grave with him." He sneered as Dolus tried going for a punch, which failed as Thaddeus was quicker. He leaned back up, then reached for his pants pocket, swiftly pulling out a switchblade. Holding the blade in one hand, Thaddeus set his other on fire, then pressed it painfully onto Dolus's stomach, which caused skin to burn and bleed.

Dolus tried to scream, but he didn't have enough time to even do that before Thaddeus had jammed his blade into Dolus's already smoking throat, causing blood to leak out of the wound. Thaddeus watched, his grin only growing wider and wider as Dolus gasped, then tried to inhale. A few minutes of painful strugging went by before Dolus finally closed his eyes, his body stopped squirming.

Thaddeus laughed as he stood up, staring at Dolus's body in pure amusement. He grabbed Dolus by the arm and began dragging him towards the door and outside. He dragged Dolus all the way to an old brown truck. He knew he didn't have to worry about cameras catching him, or anyone noticing. After all, he'd made sure to break into the motel's office and cut the cameras off, as well as knock an older women unconscious, who he debated killing, but decided not to.

After he'd loaded Dolus into the backseat, Thaddeus hopped into the front. He'd left his car on, so he just drove away.

It took him near two hours of driving, but Thaddeus finally arrived where he was supposed to drop Dolus's body off at. He sloppily pulled into a lot of a massive warehouse. Two minutes later and Thaddeus was out of the car and yanking the body out, it landing on the ground with a thud. The blood on Dolus's throat had dried up by now, the burn wounds were still a horrible sight to see.

Thaddeus grabbed Dolus's leg and just began pulling him as he walked towards the warehouse door, soon barging inside. It was the first time Thaddeus had ever been here before, and he was not expecting what he saw. He stood in the doorway for a minute, just staring. It looked like a makeshift casino inside, as well as a military training compound. Or half of it did anyway.

Thaddeus shrugged it off and continued pulling Dolus's body further inside, he heard as some people at gambling tables dropped their conversations, he felt their eyes digging into his skull, but Thaddeus kept his gaze fixed on what looked to be an office door in a back corner. He assumed that was where he was supposed to take Dolus.

About halfway to said office, he was stopped by a very tall and muscular man, who stared down at Thaddeus. The man took a glance at the dead body Thaddeus was dragging, then back to Thaddeus, who already had his fist that wasn't gripping a leg clenched. "What are you doing here?" The man demanded, his fists also clenching.

Thaddeus grinned. "I'm here to see your boss, big boy, as you can see, I've got a gift for him. And unless you wanna be the next body I drag, get the hell out of my way." He let his free hand spark openly, then eventually he let his fingers light ablaze. The man stared at it with slightly wide eyes.

Sure, some people in the room had abilities like this, but there was only one family known that had fire, and that was the Bancrofts. The second Thaddeus did what he did, multiple whispers filled the room. Along with a body, Thaddeus also had a very large burn scar carved into the side of his head, as well as a small corner of his face. That had to add to Thaddeus's mystery factor. The man huffed before taking a step to the side, allowing Thaddeus to pass.

Thaddeus extinguished his hand as he continued walking for the office, pushing the door open when he arrived. There, sitting behind a desk and in a rather large chair, was Alastor, Thaddeus's older cousin. With his feet up on the desk and a toothpick in his mouth, Alastor surely looked like he ran things now.

Alastor's eyes slightly widened when he caught sight of who was truly standing in front of his desk. Not only that, but Thaddeus had also dropped a body behind him. Both adults stared at each other in silence for a minute, with Alastor looking like he was just processing what to say while Thaddeus just began grinning. "I saw your little assassination post and figured I'd respond. I was probably going to kill someone anyway." Thaddeus said, narrowing his eyes at Alastor.

"You had to know it was me who posted it, right?" Alastor asked, a little suspicious of this. "Why would you do something for me?"

"For you?" Thaddeus loudly scoffed. "No! I just need money, and I was curious to see what you were up to. Clearly you've done well for yourself here." Thaddeus's voice was just very lightly sarcastic and teasing, it sounded like everything he said was just a joke.

"How do you know I won't have you killed right now? Or even better," Alastor stood up, placing his hands on his desk as he leaned over towards Thaddeus, "how do you know I won't kill you?"

Thaddeus returned this by also leaning forward, forcing the two to almost be nose to nose with each other. "How do you know I won't kill YOU?" Thaddeus sneered, "trust me, I knew the risks. All you have to do is give me the money and I'll be on murdering way. I still have a few names on my list I'd like to cross out. You're not on it, don't make me regret that."


Well, I've decided to let Ferret take over this part. I wasn't planning on making it too long anyway, just wanted Thaddeus to get involved after seven years. 

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