Chapter 16

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                                          (Read Ferret's last chapter)

                                  (Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence, very bloody)

Thaddeus held onto a thick but small bag of money as barged out of Alastor's office, grumbling. He couldn't help but feel disappointed with himself. After Alastor mentioned Aaria, Thaddeus crumbled deeper than he would've thought. As he made his way towards the door to the warehouse, Thaddeus turned and with his free hand, he sent a fireball hurling towards one of the men standing gaurd at Alastor's office door. 

One of the poor souls ended up taking the hit, his body immediately bursting into flames. He screamed, collasped, then burnt to a crisp. That's when Thaddeus smirked and left. He knew one death wouldnt affect Alastor, but Thaddeus liked murder and he wanted to see how much he could test his cousin. After all, Thaddeus was probably one of the few people in the world who weren't intimidated or scared of him.

Thaddeus bolted to his truck, soon jumping into the front seat as he chucked the bag next to him. He'd already left the car on, just as he'd done earlier, so he just drove off. As he drove down the highway, Thaddeus felt like he could hear his heart beating. He knew who his next target was, all he had to do was drive to his house. Thaddeus had done way too much research on his victim, Eros.

Thaddeus's great-uncle had done him so much wrong and in the past, and Thaddeus felt blood thirsty. All he wanted was revenge. While doing research on Eros, Thaddeus managed to find out his family's history. And not just some fake backstory website, no, Thaddeus had done enough digging and poking to find out the truth.

Turns out, the Bancrofts are a pretty powerful family, and they even owned some of it. The Bancrofts acted like a mafia family, they sort of were one. Thaddeus quickly came to know how much power his older cousin actually has, and not just with fire. Thaddeus had gotten all of his information from Eros's own son, Fernec, who seemed pretty eager to leak everything about his family.

Thaddeus had rehearsed this a thousand times in his head, it was all he could do when he was still locked in that shed. 

It took Thaddeus near three hours to get to his destination, but he knew it'd be worth it once Eros was long dead. He now found himself more in the country rather than a city, and he had to admit, it was a bit nice. There weren't a hundred and fifty houses everywhere, cars weren't speeding by, and the scenery was just beautiful.

He pulled up in front of a small house, it couldn't have been even half the size of Zagen's. It was surprising to Thaddeus that Eros lived here, especially since the Bancrofts were so rich. Thaddeus reached for the passenger seat and grabbed the bag of money, he had an idea for what he'd do with it.

Stepping out of the car, Thaddeus noticed how quiet everything was. Again, there weren't cars flying by every ten seconds, Eros lived off a backroad. Slowly approaching the door, Thaddeus paused for a moment to see if he could hear anything inside. After hearing nothing, Thaddeus tried to open it. Of course, locked. Thaddeus already expected Eros to put up a fight, so he figured he could just go ahead and kick the door in, which was exactly what he did.

The house's layout was fairly simple, there wasn't even a second floor. Thaddeus had kicked his way into the living room, where Eros was sitting on a couch, narrowing his eyes at Thaddeus. It looked like the older man had been expecting him. 

Thaddeus took a few more steps inside, staring at Eros as he dropped the bag onto a chair. "Did you seriously expect you'd have the advantage of surprise? I don't get visitors a lot, Thaddeus, and I always make sure I know who's at my door." Eros said, twirling a very small fireball between his fingers. 

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