Chapter Five

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Thaddeus watched Alastor run off back to the house, scoffing. He then groaned a little, still reeling from the punches he'd sustained during school. Or was it at the end of the day? Thaddeus wasn't paying attention. To be perfectly honest, the pain felt good. He'd been itching to fight someone since the day Zagen had gotten him out of the hospital.

Thaddeus decided to take his time going back, he wanted to avoid Alastor as much as possible, finally feeling like he'd had enough of him for one day. During his walk, Thaddeus could feel his hands occasionally sparking of nowhere, he wasn't the one controlling that. He shook it off, putting his hands inside his jacket pockets. 

"Thaddeus!" A voice shouted from a nearby distance, so naturally, Thaddeus turned around in response to see the one person he didn't want to talk to running towards him. His mother. Thaddeus immediately felt any rage he'd ever had come storming back to him. He took one hand out of his pocket, it instantly lighting up in a tiny flame, which he kept low in order to hide it. 

Brooklyn slowed down upon seeing her son's flaming hand, then looked around, noticing there were people walking around outside. Not wanting anybody to see this, Brooklyn grabbed Thaddeus's arm and dragged him into an alleyway. 

"What do you want?" Thaddeus bitterly yanked his arm away from Brooklyn, hatred in his eyes. "How did your grandfather get you out?" Brooklyn asked rather quickly, she'd been thinking this question non-stop. Fortunately, Thaddeus knew what she was referring to, why would he not? "Some fancy-ass note, I don't know!" He coldly replied, his voice was basically nothing but a harsh whisper. Despite there not being too many people around, Thaddeus still wanted to keep the volume low. 

"I want to take you back home, Thad. Aaria would love to see you; I know now it was wrong of me to do what I did." Brooklyn stared into her son's eyes, the hatred in them still refused to waver. "You really must think I'm stupid, huh?" Thaddeus scoffed lightly; his hand had calmed down now. "You abandoned me, what's stopping you from doing that again? No, I'm better off with Grandpa." 

Brooklyn looked as if she were about to cry, but she successfully held it back. The fact that her own son thinks she'd leave him for good tore at her. "I didn't mean to leave you there, I swear. When I promised you, I'd visit, I had every intention to-" Thaddeus interrupted her, practically snarling.

"Then why didn't you?"

"I got busy, Thaddeus, your sister, work, it kept me-"

"Oh, please, that's bullshit!"

"Thaddeus, listen to me-" 

"No, you don't get it, I needed  you. I needed you to be there, and you weren't."

By now both Brooklyn and Thaddeus were holding back tears, though Thaddeus was making a better attempt at keeping himself steady. "You don't have an actual reason? Do you?" Thaddeus's voice shook as Brooklyn's face crumbled; both knew she didn't. "You just didn't want to see me, you already had the perfect child, why waste your time with me?" Thaddeus continued, but now he'd shoved Brooklyn against a wall, keeping a fiery hand at her neck.  

Without truly realizing it, Thaddeus started choking his mother as he resumed ranting. It was like every thought he'd ever had in the past came tumbling out of his mouth. "You hate me, no, maybe you're scared of me? Hm? Is that it!?" His grip got tighter as his voice got louder, the hand around his mother's throat occasionally sparking, burning Brooklyn's skin. When Thaddeus finally noticed what he was doing, Brooklyn's face had practically turned purple. He dropped her, basically flinging her aside. Brooklyn instantly began coughing and gasping, rubbing a hand on her neck, wincing when she realized how much of her skin had been burned.

Brooklyn had a few tears running down her cheeks, Thaddeus just stared blankly at her, he looked destroyed for once. "Stay the fuck out of my life, I'm not saying it another time." Thaddeus finally managed to say before walking away, his pace beginning to get faster and faster until he was full on sprinting towards Zagen's house.

Thaddeus burst through the door, almost falling from how fast he'd been going. Breathing heavily, Thaddeus booked it up the stairs before Zagen or anyone could stop him. He headed for his room, bumping into Henry, his younger cousin. Thaddeus's head was still spinning this way and that, so he ended up slightly burning Henry's shoulder, shoving the kid out of his path.

Henry let out a little shriek as Thaddeus slammed the door to his room, making sure to lock it. Thaddeus felt like he couldn't breathe, everything around him became blurry, his stomach tightened itself into knots. He collapsed onto his bed, shaking. 

She hates you; they all do

"Shut up."

No one cares about you.

"Shut. Up." Thaddeus clenched his fist, trying desperately not to set it ablaze.  

Monster, that's all you are.


Your own mother doesn't even want you, no wonder your dad didn't either.

Thaddeus leapt up, and before he knew it, he'd burnt a massive hole into his closet door. Fast forward two minutes and he'd broken a desk, then he'd set his mattress on fire. Once he was done with his rampage, Thaddeus slowly and surely began crying, he just stared at his burning mattress, quietly sobbing to himself. He stayed like that for nearly ten minutes before finally putting out his mattress, it was basically ash by now. Thaddeus sat in the middle of his obliterated room, holding his head in his hands. 



Wow, that was a crappy ending, I'm really not good at those. XD

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