Chapter 27

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                (One week after last chapter)
Thaddeus stepped out of the bathroom, throwing on his worn out jean jacket on as he went over to one of the beds in the room, grabbing a wallet off of it and sticking it into his pocket.

Ashur was lying on the other bed next to Thaddeus, he'd been reading a book he found in the drawer of the nightstand next to the beds. Ashur looked up when he noticed Thaddeus getting ready to leave.

"So...are we just gonna live in different motels forever?" Ashur said, throwing the book to his side as he stared at Thaddeus, who looked back at him in response.

Thaddeus sighed, he knew Ashur was upset with their living situation, and why wouldn't he be? The two had been living in motels for a while now, even going so far as to leave after a few days and move to another. It wasn't preferable, but Thaddeus was just so paranoid.

"I've got something planned for that, okay? I'm still working on it." Thaddeus said as he patted himself down, trying to figure out if he was forgetting anything.

This piqued Ashur's interest immediately, his head raised. "What are you planning?" He asked.

Thaddeus started walking towards the room's door. "Look, don't get your hopes up, I don't even know if she'll let us stay or not." He says as he grabs the handle, being about half a second away from opening it before Ashur spoke up.

"She? There's a she? You have a friend? Who's a girl?" Ashur couldn't hold back a grin, he couldn't stop himself from sounding so accidentally teasing.

Thaddeus froze for a moment, turning around to look at Ashur. "Yeah, I do, and don't look so surprised. Get that fucking smirk off your face, she's just a friend, that's it." Thaddeus said, he attempted to hide his awkwardness about this topic by acting more confident, but from the way Ashur was staring at him, his attempt was futile.

"Why don't we go to your 'friend' now then? What's stopping us?" Ashur asked, leaning up from the bed. Thaddeus immediately became awkward again.

"Problems, Ashur, leave it there." Thaddeus said as he yanked on the handle, opening the door. He could Ashur stifling a laugh.

"You're stalling!" Ashur said as his laugh broke through, his eyes lighting up.

Thaddeus immediately shook his head. "I'm not stalling! I've just got- uh- business to take care of before we can go."

Ashur's laughter slowed into chuckles, which he was attempting to hold back, but it wasn't working. "You're nervous about seeing her, aren't ya?" Ashur teased, and from the way Thaddeus turned almost red in the face, Ashur knew he was right.

"Holy hell, you're being a human for once, you're nervous about seeing a girl! It's so cute!" Ashur had nothing but sarcasm in his voice, he couldn't contain his excitement about this.

"I'm not nervous, you little shit, I'm..." Thaddeus trailed off, his brain searching for words.

Ashur laughed again. "You are! Aw, it's okay, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," he speaks sarcastically again while chuckling. Thaddeus had enough and walked out of the room. As he slammed the door behind him, he heard Ashur shout one last thing.


(Time skip cause we don't need a scene of Thaddeus driving in silence)

Creeping around in the parking lot of his grandfather's casino wasn't exactly what Thaddeus thought he'd be doing today, but here he was.

To say he'd prepared to be here was an understatement, Thaddeus had studied all he could about this place, getting to know everyone who worked in the casino, even going so far as to stalk the regulars. Thaddeus was always a paranoid man, so he'd definitely taken precautions before coming here.

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