Chapter 25

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                   (Two days after last chapter)

Thaddeus's body had begun shaking an hour ago, and it hadn't stopped yet.

At this point, he couldn't tell if it was because of how stressed he felt, or the fact he hadn't slept nor eaten in the last two days.

All Thaddeus could think about was getting Ashur out and away from Zagen and Alastor. Though he'd lost his notebooks, Thaddeus still remembered Alastor's route. And after trying everything he could think of to avoid Zagen's excessive security team with no success, he finally decided to test his luck with Alastor.

Thaddeus circled the casino's warehouse, just waiting for Alastor to leave. He knew Ashur had to be in that building somewhere, it made his heart want to rip itself apart.

Thaddeus hit behind someone's car as he watched armed men pile inside the building. Thaddeus didn't know why, but he definitely wasn't going to complain.

Thaddeus had to keep forcing himself to stay put. Everything inside him told him to just barge inside, burn everything and everyone until he found Ashur.

He couldn't allow himself to do that, even he knew that was an incredibly stupid idea. Finally, Alastor himself walked out, fumbling for something in the pockets of his jacket as he walked over to a nearby car.

Thaddeus clenched his fists as he slowly made his way over, then, as Alastor was about to climb into the front seat, Thaddeus yanked him away, slamming him into the side of another car, which he soon realized was a bad idea since an alarm immediately began blaring.

So Thaddeus quickly have a really hard punch to Alastor's stomach and just started dragging him away. He pretty obviously didn't get that far before Alastor kicked Thaddeus's knee and shoved Thaddeus to the ground.

Alastor looked up, watching as a few men, who were armed, were making their way towards the car. "I don't need them, I wanna deal with your stupid ass myself." Alastor said, grinning. Alastor looked up towards the men as Thaddeus scrambled to his feet, luckily not being seen.

"I got it handled! Go away!" Alastor shouted at them, his voice, icy. The men didn't think twice about turning back around and going back inside, they didn't want to face Alastor after disobeying him.

Thaddeus swung his fist at Alastor, who easily avoided it, so Thaddeus attempted it again. It was clear Thaddeus wasn't in the right head space to fight, he wasn't in the right head space to do anything normally.

"Now, let me guess," Alastor started as Thaddeus sent another failed attempt at a punch his way, "you're here because you want to find your little friend?"

"What did you do with him?" Thaddeus growled as he finally managed to push Alastor into the back of a car, holding him there. Luckily for him, either this car didn't have an alarm, or it was Alastor's.

Alastor just grinned again, he loved seeing how tired and unstable Thaddeus, who was still shaking from earlier, looked. Thaddeus's eyes narrowed at Alastor's grin, so he punched Alastor's stomach again. "Tell me!"

"Oh, don't you worry about him, he's fine. Well, he won't be for long if you decide you want to keep attacking me." Alastor smiled psychotically as Thaddeus grumbled. He wanted to pound the shit out of Alastor until he could make sure Ashur was back, but he knew Alastor wouldn't pass up an opportunity, or rather an excuse, to beat up Ashur.

Finally, after Thaddeus still hadn't let go of Alastor, Alastor decided he'd had enough and punched Thaddeus away from him. "This is pathetic of you, Thaddeus, that kid doesn't care about you." Alastor said, almost as if he wanted Thaddeus to get angry.

"You don't know anything, give him back to me. He doesn't deserve any of this, he's a kid, please-" Thaddeus was cut off by Alastor, who had suddenly began laughing.

"This is sad! He's in there right now, DESPISING you. Wanna know why? He's knows what you are now, Thaddeus, you're a murderer who just wanted to use him. Isn't that it?" Alastor said, pure enjoyment in his eyes as he watched Thaddeus having an internal war. "You might as well give up." Alastor added slyly.

Thaddeus didn't know what else to feel other than sadness, he felt like giving up on the world entirely. Alastor looked like he was genuinely having a good time with this.

"The only reason I don't put you out of your pathetic misery right now is so that I can watch you suffer for the rest of our lives. You deserve this and so much more, you'll suffer forever, and you deserve it." Alastor growled towards the end, his fist clenching as Thaddeus's eyes watered up, though he tried so hard not to have that happen.

Alastor's anger seemed to pass briefly when he spotted it, he just started laughing again. He stopped after a minute, collecting himself before he got serious. "Don't try this again, Thaddeus, he doesn't want you around, and if there is an next time, I will kill you." Alastor lit one of his hands on fire, he looked as if he was contemplating killing Thaddeus rather than letting him go, but it was most likely Zagen that was holding him back.

Alastor eventually walked away, headed back for the building, leaving Thaddeus alone. Thaddeus stared at the building, he just wanted to stop breathing, stop even living. He didn't see a point.

All throughout this, Thaddeus's brain kept searching for something to say that would convince him Ashur cared, that he didn't hate Thaddeus. But he just couldn't think of anything. It made sense, why wouldn't Ashur hate him?

Thaddeus felt as if he really was just meant to be alone, maybe that was how his life was supposed to be spent. He wasn't supposed to be around anyone, they would just hate him and leave eventually.

You ruined his life all because you didn't want to be alone, selfish monster. Should've just left him out of it, should've just dealt with it in your own.

Thaddeus just decided to leave, he desperately didn't want to leave without Ashur, but he knew it was useless to try. Ashur had every right to hate him. Suddenly, he was being charged by several armed men, all shouting and aiming their weapons.

Thaddeus knew he could fight back, he knew he could kill every single one of them and get away. But he didn't, Thaddeus decided he was done, he wanted to let them kill him. From the casino's entrance, Zagen stood there, watching with Alastor by his side.

"Take him away from here! Far away!" Zagen yelled, ordering. So while the men forcefully took Thaddeus away, shoving him into a truck, Alastor scoffed quietly. "Can't you let me kill him? He's a little cockroach that needs to be stepped on." He growled, inhaling softly.

"How many times must I say this? It'll be more satisfying like this. Thaddeus will torture himself and you get to watch. Have fun." Zagen smirked before heading back inside.

(Back to Thaddeus, a few hours later)

Almost the second Thaddeus saw the truck arrive back into the city, he'd attacked the driver with a decently sized wave of fire. This had caused the driver to jerk the wheel, inevitably slamming the truck into a pole.

Thaddeus had been squeezed in the middle of two men, he didn't take the impact as terribly as one of them did, he was already unconscious. All Thaddeus did was punch the other guy, kick him out of the truck, then hop out after. He didn't care if he felt sore from it, he didn't care he'd cut his head, nothing mattered anymore.

Thaddeus went back to that old building he'd camped out in a couple nights ago, he didn't have anywhere else to go.

So that was where he currently was. Sitting on the floor with his back to the wall. He just couldn't stop tears from falling, his body STILL hadn't stopped shaking, in fact, it only got worse.

Thaddeus buried his head into his legs, he already decided he wouldn't get up again, he didn't have any reason to. So he just sobbed, no matter how much he wanted to bite it back, he couldn't. All Thaddeus wanted to do now was just sit there and wait.

He just wanted to wait there until he died.

This man is incapable of ever being happy, huh?

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