Chapter Seven

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                                             ~Thaddeus's Pov~

Whether Alastor had come to school or not Thaddeus didn't care. It had only been a few minutes into history class and Thaddeus was already fidgeting with a pencil, his feet propped up on the desk. He'd purposefully picked a seat in the back of the room so the teacher would't see. What he forgot was that he was in high school. "Excuse me?" The teacher, Miss Wilts, as if on cue, spoke up. 

Thaddeus looked up to find Miss Wilts's eyes on him. He narrowed his own in return, crossing his arms. Miss Wilts drew in a breath. "You're one of the new boys, correct?" She asked.

"Why's it important?" Thaddeus said as he tapped a finger against his shoulder. Miss Wilts seemed to pause, she'd dealt with students as bitter as Thaddeus before, and knew exactly how to shut them up. "Well, if memory serves me right, you never introduced yourself to everyone. So by all means, please, stand up and say a few things." Miss Wilts grinned slightly. 

Thaddeus grumbled as he swung his feet off the desk, slowly standing up. He hated how many eyes were on him, everyone in the class had turned to face him. The only way any of these kids would've known him were through rumors and whispers. After all, on the very first day, Thaddeus had been in a fight. 

Thaddeus rolled his eyes and sighed. "If you gossiping jackels didn't already know, the name's Thaddeus and I'm looking forward to my time in this school spacing out and never once paying attention." After speaking, Thaddeus caught some of the kids eyeing him weirdly, there was even a couple who looked disgusted. It was all normal for Thaddeus, who was actually used to being looked at more hatefully. 

However, there was one kid that wasn't looking at him weirdly. 

Thaddeus noticed one pair of beautiful green eyes staring at him, he coudn't quite place what the look in her eyes was exactly, but it obviously wasn't of hate. The green eyes belonged to a girl, one had fair skin and light brown hair. 

Thaddeus grinned at her. 

"Just sit back down, Thaddeus." Miss Wilts said, bringing his attention to her. Thaddeus chuckled and plopped back down in his seat, once again throwing his feet up on the desk. Miss Wilts looked highly annoyed at his behavior, but just decided to deal with it in a different way.

After class was over, students launched out of their seats, bursting out into the hallway. Thaddeus waited until he was one of the last few inside the classroom before he got up. He always hated how crowded everything got, he was used to being around a little number of people or none at all.

To his luck, the same girl with green eyes had also stayed behind. He started to walk towards her, but stopped. He suddenly made a turn for the door and walked out that instead, finding himself immediately surrrounded by other kids. 

Thaddeus somehow managed to make it to a row of lockers, saving himself from getting bumped into 137 times. 

"Hey!" A girl's voice called out amongest the neverending chatter of teeangers. The girl from earlier shoved a boy out of her way before marching up to Thaddeus. "You looked like you were gonna say something to me then you left! What, too shy to talk to a girl?" She smirked, but Thaddeus sneered. "Not shy," He seethed, "just don't have a lot of...people skills."He finished with a small huff.

"Uh-huh." She chuckled. She paused for a minute before speaking again. " it true you burned down your elementary school?"

Thaddeus's face fell for a moment, but he quickly regained himself. "Yeah, I did. How the hell did that even get out?" He said while death glaring any student who dared do the same to the two of them. "Like you said in class, almost everyone here are gossiping jackels as you so lovingly put it." She replied.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully. I'm Kali, by the way." Kali said, Thaddeus's head perked up. "Wait, tomorrow? Didn't we just have our first class?" He watched as students were already exiting the building, had that been happening the entire time? 

Kali laughed. "Where is your brain at? That was the last one of the day!"

Thaddeus just stormed away, he didn't bother going to his own locker first, he hadn't brought anything anyway. "See you!" He heard Kali awkwardly yell. 

Thaddeus walked out of school, beginning to head in the direction of Zagen's house. He couldn't believe a whole day had gone by and he truly hadn't noticed. He didn't really even have memories of the day up until the last class. 

Zagen's house wasn't too far from the school, so he managed to get home within about twenty minutes. When the house was in sight, Thaddeus saw his grandfather sitting on an old wooden chair on the porch. Next to him stood another older man who looked similar to Zagen. The two looked almost identical, however the other man looked much more muscular and tall. He wore a tan suit jacket and and a white shirt underneath. But unlike Zagen, he wore jeans and brown boots. 

As Thaddeus got closer, the chattering of Zagen's voice mixed in with whoever this man was getting louder. Then Thaddeus heard something he truly thought was cursed. Both men were laughing like old gentlemen who'd known each other since the dawn of time. It was creepy, Zagen never laughed. 

However, the second Thaddeus was at the steps of the porch, Zagen's eyes snapped over to him, the smile that was on his face a moment ago faded into his usual scowl. 

"Your teacher called." Zagen growled. "Your behavior in class needs to stop, you can't be drawing attention to yourself."

"I can act however I want, I spend a good while of my life locked away, I earned it." Thaddeus spat back, clenching his fists. 

Zagen stood up, walked to the stairs, then went down to Thaddeus. "You forget who got you out of the hospital, I can put you right back."

"You wouldn't dare." Thaddeus felt sparks errupting from his palm. 

The man Zagen was speaking with looked at Thaddeus, then laughed. "Oh, yes, yes, he will." He said, his voice was much louder than Zagen. 

"Who even are you!?" Thaddeus focused on the man, narrowing his eyes. 

"That's Eros, my brother and your grand-uncle. He's visiting for a few weeks." Zagen explained, then warmed up his hand before grabbing Thaddeus's arm, lightly burning it. Thaddeus exclaimed and once he was at the door, he yanked his arm away. 

"Pull your act together, Thaddeus, I'm not going to babysit you and your cousin. I only need one of you, if he can prove himself to me before you do, I promose you I will send you back to that hospital, do you understand me!?" Zagen snapped, the ends of his hair sparking up. 

Thaddeus felt his blood run cold. As much as he didn't want to show weakness in front of his grandfather, he hated the idea of being sent back to a mental ward. The time he spend there were the worst years of his life. It was simple, he just had to beat Alastor. 

"Yes sir.." Thaddeus lowly mumbled before heading inside the house, instantly darting up the stairs and into his room.

"That kid's something else.." Eros chuckled, patting Zagen's shoulder. "You should meet the boy's cousin, both of those two are going to drive me up the wall." Zagen replied, sighing slightly.

"Ah, surely you can pick an heir before that happens. And I'll tell you what, I'll take whoever you don't pick." Eros said as he walked inside, Zagen following close behind. 

"Something tells me you aren't a big fan of cleaning." Eros said, noting how old and and dusty the place was. 

"You're older than I am, Eros, I thought you'd have more problems keeping up." Zagen said as he led Eros into the kitchen.


I didn't know how else to finish the chapter so there it is. I didn't make this chapter very detailed and I have reason. Unless I have a specific vision of something, I want to leave more up to y'all's imagination. It definitely takes more off of me so woooooo.

Thaddeus Where stories live. Discover now