Chapter Ten

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                                                          {Thaddeus POV}

                                          (Two days after Ferret's last chapter)

Thaddeus took quite a beating from Alastor. For the last couple days, he'd stayed home from school, just recovering. Kathryn was the only person that had actually helped him, Zagen and Eros had just told Thaddeus to "tough it out" which Kathryn completely disagreed with. 

Thaddeus still had a very obvious black eye, and he felt sore as hell, but he still wanted to get out of the house. So he'd gone downstairs to head off for school. But he stopped. Instead, he went into the hall and found Kathryn. 

"Hey, do you think you can distract Grandpa and Eros for me?" He asked, he wasn't gentle for a lot of people, but Kathryn was one of the lucky few he was nice to. 

Kathryn eyed him suspiciously, raising a brow. "Why?" She asked. "I- uh, it's not important right now." Thaddeus said, smiling slightly. Eventually, Kathryn nodded and walked towards the living room, where Zagen and Eros were speaking quietly. 

Once Thaddeus could hear Kathryn join in their conversation, he went for the kitchen. He couldn't hear what the adults were talking about, but it wasn't like he was paying enough attention anyway. Thaddeus grabbed a bottle of water, then after a bit of searching, he found bananas just sitting on the main table. He grumbled as he grabbed two. 

He took the items to the basement door. Thaddeus didn't actually know if Alastor was let out or not, he'd been holed away in his room. As he was about to clear his throat, he heard shuffling coming from inside. Thaddeus made sure he could still hear Kathryn talking, and when he did, he focused back on the door. Somehow balancing two bananas and a watter bottle in one arm, he managed to unlock the latch to the door and open it a bit.

He thought about just chucking the bananas, but he opted to drop it inside. Thaddeus set the water bottle down as well before quickly shutting and relocking the door. He wasn't sure if Alastor was still angry or not, and he didn't exactly want to risk death with his cousin. 

Once the door was shut, he heard shuffling again. He took a breath, then cleared his throat. "Look, uh, I don't know if you're still pissed about your brother, or if you still want to murder me. If I'm being honest, I deserve it." He took in a breath. "But I do know what it's like to be locked alone in a room with absolutely nothing to live on, and I wouldn't have wished it on anyone. Even you. You don't have to believe me about what happened with Truman, I really wasn't trying to hurt him." 

Thaddeus waited  a moment, he got no reply from Alastor. He figured he wouldn't, Thaddeus was sure Alastor didn't expect him out of all people to be the one doing this. Thaddeus awkwardly fiddled with his finger. "I would sneak you out, but if Gramps found out, we'd both be killed, so. Kinda can't." That was all Thaddeus wanted to say, so he quickly left. As he went to the front door, Kathryn glanced at him, then walked away from her crazy brothers.

Thaddeus made his way to school, making sure his pace was swift. He arrived fairly soon, but class had already started by the time he did. Since Thaddeus didn't exactly care if he got suspended, or even expelled, he just sat at the school's steps, beginning to mindlessly swipe through his phone. That's when he heard someone clear their throat from behind him.

Thaddeus looked up and smiled, it was Kali, who was grinning at him. "So did you disappear for two days to get yourself a black eye?" She said, sitting next to him. Thaddeus chuckled a bit. "No, it's a bit of a story. Anyway, what are you doing out here? Didn't class start?" He asked, then she nudged his shoulder.

"Um, hello? You're out here too, you're also missing it." She said, her grin only growing wider. 

"Touche." Thaddeus nodded. 

The two talked for a while, and it seemed like time got away from the both of them. A lot of time. Kali's eyes widened when she checked her phone. "It's 1:00!?" She screeched, launching to her feet, as did Thaddeus. "What?!" He exclaimed, "how!?"

Kali looked towards the school doors, then back at Thaddeus. "I might as well go home, I've missed half the day anyway." She said. "I still have to stay, unfortunately." Thaddeus sighed.

Soon the two teens parted ways, with Kali going to wherever her home was and Thaddeus going inside the school. He tried looking for Miss Price's office only to remember he'd already had his first session a few days ago. He groaned aloud, his memory really bothered him. 

Thaddeus had begun walking outside when suddenly someone shoved him from behind. Hard. So hard that Thaddeus ended up falling down the stairs, landing on his back. When he rolled over to face whoever had done this, his blood ran cold, all color vanished from his face. 

It was a boy, one who looked to be close to him in age. In the boy's steady hand was a small revolver, loaded and ready to fire. Thaddeus's breathing quickened, he just stared wide-eyed at his attacker. He didn't know what to do. Thaddeus debated running, but figured he'd get shot if he tried. He couldn't use fire, the amount it would take surely would attract people.

"You remember me?" The boy seethed, scowling, his tone icy. Thaddeus slowly shook his head. "No, no, I- I don't. Can you put it down? I think you have the wrong guy." Thaddeus said as he attempted to stand, but when the kid marched forward, gun aimed at his head, Thaddeus stopped moving. 

"I don't have the wrong guy, I'd know you from anywhere, Thaddeus Bancroft." The boy growled, putting pressure against Thaddeus's skull with the gun.

Thaddeus took a deep breath, this was it. One pull of this kid's finger and his life would be over. 

Thaddeus closed his eyes and just waited for the inevitable.


Go read Ferret's story to find out what happens to Thaddeus! (They probably won't have a new chapter out yet, it's Christmas season, everyone's busy)

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