It Was Me All Along (3)

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Key: (Y/N) - your name, (l/n) - last name, (n/n) - nickname, (hp/h) - Harry Potter house

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"Creeper right behind you, Stan!"

You aimed the bow and arrow at the mob behind Stan's avatar and fired; the arrow successfully hit the creeper, and after a few more hits between you and Stan's iron sword, it was slain.

"Thanks (n/n)," Stan said.

"Of course, dude, you still have gold ore on you and my inventory is full. I can't let it go to waste." You shrugged your shoulders in real life, even though your online friends couldn't see you do it.

Kenny's voice filtered through your headset, "Hey, (n/n) how'd the move go?"

Kenny, after showing the new girl around town, had gone home thinking, then spent his patrol doing more thinking. Kenny couldn't help but wonder if the new girl and his online friend were actually the same person. There were a few similarities, but they were more circumstantial than anything. Therefore, he was going to investigate.

"The move? Eh, kinda boring to be honest," You replied, killing a spider on your way back to base. "Mamá's new job moved us to some mountain town, and even though the place is sort of interesting I'm definitely not digging all the snow."

The boys' interest was now officially piqued. This place sounded like South Park, but there was no guarantee their friend actually moved there.

"Where exactly did you move...?" Kyle was busy at base in the garden.

The base was actually right next to a village, so he was also there in case any pillagers stopped by to raid the place. You guys were still in the process of building a sort of wall around it, which is why you and Stan were mining for iron and gold - mainly iron though. You had no clue where Kenny ran off to though.

"You guys aren't gonna hunt me down if I tell you,,, right?" You asked somewhat jokingly.

"Ha, maybe."

"Dude no."

"Of course not, (n/n)."

"No way, bitch."

"Fiine, I think I've known you guys long enough to trust you with info like this, anyways," you sighed. "Mamá is the new detective of South Park, Color-"

Ok maybe there was a guarantee.

You were interrupted by a series of 'No fucking way's, and 'Holy shit's.

"What? Why're you guys saying that shit," you asked somewhat concerned for your friends.

"Dude, we all live in South Park! We should meet up!"

You froze. Your four online friends, whom you've known for over two years now, live in the same remote town you just moved to? There's no fucking way they're being serious.

"Y'all are fuckin with me, you've gotta be," You said, eyebrows furrowed in mild concern.

Stan was the first to reply, "Dude, we're seriously not."

"Yeah, dumb bitch, we've all lived here forever."

"Shut the fuck up Cartman," Kyle shouted.

Then ensued Kyle and Cartman getting into an argument, and because it was ear-rape worthy, you kicked them from the discord call.

"Now that the banshees are gone, y'all wanna explain to me how the hell I moved to the same town my best friends have lived in all their lives?"

Kenny laughed, "I don't think we can, cutie."

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now