I Hate Nightmares (17)

552 19 11

Key: (y/n) - your name, (L/n) - last name, (N/n) - nickname

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

Kenny was on patrol, as per usual, when his phone rang. He stopped on a rooftop and fished his phone out of his pocket.


"Hey," Kenny greeted, somewhat concerned why she was calling him this late. 

"Sup, Kenny boi," you greeted back.

"You never call, is something wrong?" The line was silent. The hero pulled the phone from his ear for a moment to see if she hung up. She didn't."(N/n)?"

"Do you ever get nightmares about when you die?"

Ah, so that's what this was about. He should've figured, the poor girl has never died before and lived to tell the tale before now.

"All the time," he replied.

She's probably overwhelmed, now that I think about it.

"Do you ever get visited by an aged doppelganger?" You paused to take a hit of your puff. "I did, and now I'm sitting on my roof." You chuckled sadly. 

Kenny furrowed his brows in confusion, "What? No, never."

"Is it pathetic of me that I'm avoiding going out late because of what happened?"

Kenny sucked in a breath. After a moment he spoke, "Of course not, (N/n). You went through something traumatic and then reset time on yourself. Anyone would do the same if they could remember what you do." Kenny paused again, and sat down on the edge of the roof he was on. "If I'm being honest, I was the same way the first time I died."

"Really? How old were you?"

"The farthest back I can remember was kindergarten." He let out a weak laugh, "I was ran over by the school bus."

"...Damn. And here I am with my first death being electrocuted."

"Yeah, well let's hope it's your only death."

You and him laughed, somehow knowing it was unlikely this was your first and only death. Of course, you voiced this out to him.

"My life is now a videogame, Ken. I highly doubt this is the last time I'll die," you laid down on your roof to look out at the stars.

The two of you were silent after that. 

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"Just... When you have nightmares," he paused, wondering how he could word this without coming off weird. "Just know that, that I'm here for you, the other guys, too. If you ever need to talk about it, we're all here to listen.

Although Cartman may not seem like it, he remembers too. He's probably the closest thing to a therapist for this kind of stuff. At least, he was to me."

"Cartman, of all people, remembers the deaths?"


You and Kenny talked for another hour, him asking how you were doing with the trauma of your death, the fact that your aunt died, and that your cousin would be living with you in a few months. You answered appropriately, telling him exactly how you felt about it all, which was to say, very overwhelmed and scared.

You told him about your siblings and your dad, in a spur of the moment 'pour out my feelings to you because you're listening' kind of deal. 

"I gotta end my patrol now, but I'll see you at school, ok?"

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now