The Morning After (21)

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Key: (y/n) - your name

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

You woke up laying in your futon the next morning. Surprisingly, you were the first one awake. You picked up your phone, which was charging on the wall next to you. 

9:27 am, it read. 

Huh, I thought I would have slept longer. 

Since no one else was up, you pulled your guidebook out from your inventory and skimmed through some of the crafting recipes for weapons. Since your only weapon was your diamond sword, you figured you should get a back up one in case it took too much damage. Your shield's integrity was still down from last night, so you thought getting more defensive items wouldn't hurt either. 

Your top three items to craft were the Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts, the Gravity-Gun from Half-Life, and the Ray Gun from Call of Duty: Black OPs 2.

For all of them, you'd need a lot of scrap metal, the sword more than the others. According to the crafting recipes, you also needed to combine a few car batteries for the two guns to power them up. You also needed some christmas lights for the Ray Gun. The list of crafting items you needed was literally stuff you could either buy, or raid the junkyard for. 

Maybe I can do that today, since I don't think mom and mamá have anything planned for today... 

You put away the guidebook, marking the recipe pages of those three items for later. It was now 9:59, and the other girls were starting to wake up. 

Nicole was the first to drag herself out of her makeshift bed. "Oh... Good morning (Y/n)," she greeted groggily. 

"Morning," you greeted back, scrolling through your phone notifications. 

"How long have you been up?"

You glanced at the clock again, "Ehh, thirty minutes, give or take."

She hummed in acknowledgement. "Wanna go raid Bebe's kitchen? I think her mom is up, and we've all been here plenty of times for it to be cool."

You shrugged, standing up. Bebe's mom passed by you two on your way downstairs. She told you to help yourself to breakfast, and you could make something on the stove if you wanted. You took up her offer and started making chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. 

Slowly, the other girls trickled downstairs, being served the pancakes made by you.

"Heyyy! We should go hang out at the mall today, I wanna go buy some new shoes," Bebe said excitedly. 

The other girls agreed with the same enthusiasm. You, on the other hand, were distracted with the events of last night. 

"(Y/n)? Are you going to join us at the mall?" Red asked. 

"Huh?" You blinked, then shrugged. "Oh, I mean I'll have to run it by my moms first, but I'm sure it's fine. I need to buy some stuff anyway."

"Great!" Bebe replied. "We'll meet up around noon so everyone can take their stuff home, then. Anyone need a ride there?"

"With you at the wheel? I'd rather walk," Nicole laughed. 

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now