What Did I Get Myself Into (5)

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Key: (y/n) - your name, (l/n) - last name

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

The next day at school, you were internally freaking out. Should you ask Kyle and Cartman what the fuck was happening last night? Or would that be better kept to yourself? 

"MS. (l/n)!" you jumped. 

Mr. Garrison, your english teacher, had called your name five times to no avail. Quick, um, play dumb!

"Uhh, lo siento, Señor Garrison. ¿No hablo ingles?" Not that dumb! You thought, panicking.

Mr. Garrison stared at you, and you could only hope he wasn't going to verbally beat your ass or send you to the office. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Cartman trying (and failing) not to laugh. Yeah, you and Cartman had English honors together for some reason, you honestly don't know how he got in.

"Motherfucker- damn Mexican can't even speak English, why is she in here," he mumbled irritably. "Kyle, you answer."

He's not seriously that stupid, right? You thought as Cartman burst out laughing.


*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"Dude, are you ok? You were really out of last period," Kyle asked.

First period ended about two minutes ago, and the three of you were now standing in front of your locker.

"Oh my gawd, Kahl it doesn't matter if she was out of it that was fuckin gold."

"Ok, yeah, it was funny, but something must be wrong! She's usually decently ok in that class and today she wasn't-"

"I'm fine, you guys, really. I'm just tired," you smiled reassuringly. "I stayed up late to watch the meteor shower at Stark's Pond last night."

Welp, there's no goin' back from that, you thought. You saw Kyle and Cartman share a glance.

"Stark's Pond you say?" Cartman got a weird look on his face, making you regret bringing it up.

"That'd be correct," you replied, feigning confusion.

"Did you happen to see anything unusual last night? Like say, a bunch of people in costumes?" Kyle aggressively nudged Cartman with a glare, basically telling him to shut the fuck up.

"Nope, now if you'll excuse me, I have a science class to get to." You slammed your locker shut and speed walked away from the two. You weren't going to come clean about last night, not yet at least.

> 🏆 Achievement Unlocked: Keeping Secrets <

Seeing the green icon appear over your head, you ducked into the nearest door. Luckily, the nearest door happened to be Janitor's closet; unluckily, someone was already in there.

"Um, you didn't see anything, ok?"

They tried to say something but you shoved a hand over their mouth.

"Shhh, you saw nothing, capisce!?" They nodded their head in response. 

"Cool, cool, let's never speak of this again," the soft green glow from the achievement box disappeared. You sighed, "Bye now."

Now I'm gonna hope I don't see him later. You sneakily took a hit from your puff bar, blowing the smoke out before you entered the classroom. Ugh, I hope lunch will bring me some relief.

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now