Where Are They? Where Do I Go? (23)

412 16 2

Key: (y/n) - your name, (n/d) - non dominant, (d/h) - dominant hand

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"Either way, the girl is coming with me." Red Maple said, her array of weapons glowing in the otherwise dark night. 

Super Craig and Tupperware positioned themselves in front of you to shield you from her; Chaos stood just a little behind you, wary of the girl villain.

You swallowed thickly, before voicing what was on everyone's minds. "What do you want with me?"

Red Maple didn't answer right away, but from the way her eyes narrowed and how rigid her posture went for a split second, she didn't want to invite you over for a tea party.

"(Y/n), get back," Super Craig advised. You took notice of the faint blue outline around his fist. You and Tupperware stepped back to the distance that Chaos was at, to avoid being collateral damage.

"Get out of my way, pest. I want the girl, not some dumb teenage boy." Red Maple growled as Craig readied himself for a strife.

You watched as Red Maple wasted no time in grabbing her shield in one hand and the bulky staff in the other. Craig threw fast paced punches at the villain, who took close to no damage thanks to her shield. You could hear his frustrated grunts, hoping to land a good hit. 

"Why isn't he doing any damage? His punches are usually stronger than this," Tupperware said, concerned (and rightfully so).

"I don't think that it's not that he isn't doing any damage," Chaos said thoughtfully. 

You and Tupperware looked at him warily, not asking what he meant. Chaos took your silent stares as permission to go on, and so he did.

"I think he is doing damage, but it's not enough to weaken her like the rest of us," the blond explained. "She's on a totally different level than anyone in South Park.

"If that's the case then the rest of the new villains are probably the same," you muttered. Both him and Tupperware heard you.

A stray flaming arrow flew by the three of you, drawing your attention back to the fight at hand.

"We need to help him," you said, adjusting the collar of your coat.

Chaos grabbed your arm, "No!"

Tupperware immediately, but somewhat regretfully, agreed with the blond villain. "Professor Chaos is right, Red Maple is after you, and if you join the fight we're practically handing you over to her and her sick plans for you."

"He's going to get hurt if we don't help him!" You tried to reason, jerking your arm out of Chaos' grasp.

"Echo, if you won't listen to me, that's fine. I deserve it," your heart panged at how sad he sounded, but you quickly brushed it off. He's a villain after all. "Just, please listen to Tupperware."

He was basically begging you to get out of here at this point. 

"ECHO! What the hell! I'm buying you TIME, dumbass!" Craig shouted, jerking you to reality.


With only a brief glance back at Craig, who was still attempting to hold back the now very angry Red Maple, Tupperware and Professor Chaos led you away from the theatre.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now