A Normal After School Hangout (11)

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Ahhhhh Thank you MissBitter on discord for this fanart! (★^∀^★)

Key: (y/n) - your name, (n/n) - nickname

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

The cafeteria of the high school was a whole different building. This meant you had to walk in the freezing air for a whole minute before entering the welcoming, heated doors of the cafeteria. Even after being in South Park for about a month now, your Arizona-raised self still got cold very easily.

I swear I'm like a lizard or something, you thought grumpily. 

Your boots made a satisfying 'crunch' as you stepped into a fresh pile of snow. You pushed open the heavy doors and looked around the cafeteria for your friends. 

Stan and Cartman were the only ones at your usual table, from what you could see. Butters was also there, but he was nose deep in a sewing magazine. 

Should I tell them I'm sitting with Token? Or should I text them? You started towards Token's table before thinking, Nah that'd be shitty. You turned your ass around and went to your friends.

"Hey (y/n)," Stan greeted.

"Sup bitch."

"Hiya there, (y/n)!"

"Hey you guys," you said with a smile. 

Stan looked back down at his phone, "Are you going to stand there all day or sit your ass down and eat?"

"Aha, I'm actually gonna be sitting with Token today?" The three looked up at you surprised. You nervously played with the strap of your backpack, "He invited me to sit with him and his friends because we're working on a project together in english, so, um..."

Butters smiled, "Well then have fun, (y/n)! You'll sit with us tomorrow, right?"

You nodded happily, "Of course!" You took a step back and turned on your heel, "Bye guys. I'll sit with you tomorrow!"

You didn't see the smile drop from Butters' face as you walked away, nor Stan's shocked expression twist into a frown. Cartman began angrily stuffing his face full of cheesy poofs.

Kyle and Kenny got to the table to see this scene, much to their confusion. They also took notice of your absence.

"Where's the cutie/Where's (n/n)?" The two asked simultaneously. 

Butters said nothing, he just continued to flip through the sewing magazine in his hands. You two had become quite close in theatre since you were both on costumes, and you were really the only person to treat him nicely; he'd finally made a friend besides Pip and Damien, who still didn't like him very much, and now she's sitting with their frenemies.

Cartman continued to eat his cheesy poofs in anger. Stan, being the bigger person here, sighed and pointed across the cafeteria. 

"Wha- She's sitting with Craig!?"

"Token, to be more specific. Apparently he invited her because of a class project."

For the rest of lunch Team Stan's table would periodically glance at you from across the cafeteria.

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"You've already met everyone, but you were weird last time."

"For the last time, Token! I was tired!"

"Riiiight," he joked. You playfully glared at him and pulled out your lunch.

Jimmy, Clyde, Craig, and Tweek watched the interaction in amusement. 

"(Y/n), right? I'm Clyde! We met in the janitor's closet."

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now