The First Trial Is Quite Puzzling (27)

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You reached the first trial almost immediately after walking into the crypt. You were a bit confused as to what the trial was supposed to be. You squinted at the panels, scrutinizing it, trying to figure out what you were supposed to do here.

"Wait a minute..."

It looked like those puzzles where you have to move the squares to make a picture! That's it! 

You moved the squares around, shuffling them to hopefully see what it might actually be. It took you a second to get what it was, and it didn't take you long to correctly un-shuffle the panels once you did. 

The panels unshuffled to resemble a crown carved into the stone wall. You gently ran your hand over the carving, wondering what it meant.

> 🏆 Achievement Unlocked: Puzzling Puzzles <

The green glow of your achievement lit up the now shaking room. The wall in front of you - the one with the panels that made up the picture - rumbled and shook. Then the wall split into two, and opened into a new hallway. 

"That's one way to make a dramatic entrance, I suppose," you said to yourself.

You sprinted down the hallway, running into another puzzle wall. This one took you even less time to finish - under 8 minutes actually. The second puzzle was a carving of a bird.

A different wall opened up to your right, and the bird dropped the olive branch it was holding into your palm. 

The last hallway had a few traps that you'd skillfully used your sword and shield to avoid (the arrows were cutting it pretty close though). 

At the end of the hallway, the picture of the dove appeared again, but there was something off about it. 

"Where's the olive branch?"

Ah yes, of course that's what it wants. That's why it spit the branch out at you! 

You gingerly placed the olive branch into the second dove's beak, and a clicking sound was heard. The wall shook, then pulled itself upward, revealing a doorway into the final chamber. 

This was the last puzzle of the first trial. It was huge. Much taller than you, that's for sure. The other ones were about the size of a regular door, but this one? 

It has 99 square panels with patterns on them, and each panel was about the size of a kitchen tile. You were on a time crunch as well - self inflicted, of course - you couldn't just let the boys fight the Sun Warriors on their own after all.

You moved panels around absentmindedly until they started making sense. And eventually, they did. You started noticing the panels were connecting in specific places, and systematically moved them around until the picture was complete. 

It was pretty, but you didn't have time to admire it because the room started shaking. Not in a good way either. 

"Did I activate a trap or something?" you looked around the room warily. 

The floor shifted, making you look down. Dust particles swirled around, and a line that was previously not visible due to dirt and dust build up over the many years of being locked up, was currently very visible to you. 

"What the fuUUUUCCK!!" You fell through the floor mid sentence, after prodding the line with your diamond sword curiously.

Needless to say, that was widely regarded as a bad move. Your sword fell from your grasp in shock, and clattered down the slide you were fearfully going down. Your shield was secured to your arm, thankfully, so you didn't lose that as well. Your sword was long gone. 

"*Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos santificado sea tu nombre; venga a nosotros tu reino hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo! Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal!" you screamed as you rounded a downward spiral in the slide.

Your brain could barely register the twinkling crystals of amethyst and fluorite as you recited the prayer mamá taught you (she's a peruvian catholic, what do you expect?). 

Not soon enough, the slide came to an end and spit you out at an intricately carved wood door

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Not soon enough, the slide came to an end and spit you out at an intricately carved wood door. You took a moment to admire the door, running your fingers over the carvings gingerly, afraid it may crumble under your touch after being down here for so long, untouched. 

You were mildly, surprised that no dust was left on your hand when you removed it from the door's surface.

"I guess it's now or never..." you mumbled, taking hold of the handles with both your hands. Taking in a deep breath, you pulled open the door.

> 🏆 Achievement Unlocked: Entering Her Chambers <

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


*Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos santificado sea tu nombre; venga a nosotros tu reino hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal. - *Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be your name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us, do not let us fall into temptation and deliver us from evil.

*This is the Nuestro Padre (Lord's prayer).

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