Interrogation (12)

576 22 5

Key: (y/n) - your name

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"Why did you hit her!? That wasn't the plan!"

"No, it wasn't, but it was the only way to get her here without attracting the heroes' attention!"

"That doesn't matter! I had to stop the bleeding before we could even bring her here! Why did you think slamming her against a brick wall was a good idea!?"

"When you started going soft!"

"Soft! I haven't gone soft, you're just trying to take control of our partnership. You're my sidekick, you do what I tell you to do!"

You groaned at the pain in your head, and whoever was yelling wasn't helping your sudden headache.

Having heard you, the males stopped shouting at each other and focused their attention on you. 

You opened your eyes, your vision blurry from the sleep that was forced on you. You blinked a few times to clear your vision before lifting your head from your slumped over position. It wasn't hard to spot your kidnappers for two reasons; One, they were dressed ridiculously for the cold weather and they put tinfoil on like 30% of their outfits, and two, the room they had you in was extremely small - about the same size as a home office, you would guess.

Then you noticed that they were staring right at you. 

"You're awake! That's good," The blond said walking over to you.

At first you grit your teeth and tried to kick him in the balls. That didn't work however, because they tied your ankles to the chair. Your hands were tied together behind you, and there was rope wrapped around your waist, keeping your sorry ass in the chair.

He checked the bandage around your head as soon as he got close enough to you. You didn't even notice that it was bandaged until that moment. You grew more irritated than you originally were; they hurt you to the point that they needed to stop your head from bleeding! 

"How are you feeling? Does your head hurt?

You pondered answering for a moment, before deciding you could fuck with them in case their motives were sinister.

"Hermano, ¿porqué me secuestraste? ¿Qué deseas?"

Professor Chaos blinked. Good, he doesn't understand a word I said.

'Chaos' looked behind him at his sidekick. He gulped nervously; he wasn't expecting you to bust out in full Spanish, despite knowing you were fully capable of doing so. Getting information out of you was going to be a lot harder than they thought.

Shit! I forgot about the other one! You thought once he looked back.

"I'm taking french, so I can't really understand what she's saying," the boy said, just as dejected as Chaos was.

Ok, guess I don't have to worry about him? Now I just have to keep this up and they should let me go, you thought triumphantly. 

"Er, I know you can understand what we're saying, so you will answer our questions!" Chaos demanded.

You smirked, "No voy a darte nada, puta."

"Don't get cocky!" You realized this kid was the same one from Stark's Pond, the one you pulled the diamond sword on.

"Disarray! I'll handle the questioning for now, go wait outside and watch for the heroes. Who knows if they spotted us taking her."

The ginger grit his teeth angrily and scoffed; a second later he was out the door, which you noticed led into a different room.

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang