It's Rewind Time (14) (TW)

671 25 5

TW: violence, death

Key: (Y/n) - your name, (L/n) - last name

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"(Y/n), you have to stay awake! Please!" Something wet hit your cheeks, and the voice of whoever was cradling you in their arms had cracked at the word 'please'.

You gingerly lifted a bloodied hand to their cheek; Through blurry vision you saw the most beautiful colored eyes glistening with tears. 

"It'll b-be o-" a cough racked your body, immediately causing you to retract your hand to cover your mouth. More blood covered your palm, but now it was spurting out from your mouth, too. 

Your eyes fluttered shut as another wave of drowsiness washed over you, your arm falling limp across your chest.


*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

It was the middle of the night, probably around 2:30 a.m. or so, when General Disarray went back to the cabin; this was hours after he'd left you in there to rot, mind you. 

He couldn't sleep, as an uneasy feeling in his stomach kept him awake. The only thing that came to his mind as to why was you and the cabin. 

You were fast asleep in a corner of the room with your jacket covering your frame as a blanket when he barged in. When he slammed open the door to the room you were being kept in, you awoke with a start; your eyes were wide and you could feel your heart pounding against your rib cage. Both of your eyes met for a second before his expression contorted into rage.

He was enraged that you managed to escape the chair, and immediately took a few steps forward before swiping his hand in an attempt to grab you.

In a panic, you summoned your shield, thus blocking him from your bruised and bloody self. 

"You bitch!" Disarray reeled back a fist and punched your shield. It didn't do much else than push the shield more toward you, but that didn't mean he stopped trying. You were sure his knuckles broke open under his gloves since he hit it so many times.

You didn't know the full extent of Disarray's powers either, only that they enhanced his strength and that he had a special ability you've never seen. 

"I'm going to show you the special attack that I've been threatening to use, now, and I can't promise that you won't die, Echo."

You flinched at the use of your alias, but covered it up with a scoff.

"One, that was cringey as hell. Two, is it really that smart to tell me your plan in the middle of a fight?" you taunted. 

Disarray smirked, "Probably not, but it distracted you didn't it?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, "What's that supposed to me-"

Before you could finish talking, red legos started hurling in your direction. The room became hotter, and the legos burned through whatever they touched.

"What the hell!" Your shield disappeared, so you dove out of the way of the oncoming legos. The roll you did wasn't perfect, and it caused you more pain than usual because of your already extensive injuries, but you did manage to land on your feet. Looking back at the legos you just dodged, you noticed they burned through the wood flooring, and into the dirt below. You gritted your teeth, and turned back to Disarray to glare at him.

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz