Patrol, Begin! (22)

429 19 5

Key: (y/n) - your name

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

You were out of breath. Running from your house to Token's across rooftops in 15 minutes was a lot harder than it seemed, and it didn't help that you were already late to meet the boys there in the first place. 

"I'm so fucked!" you grumbled under your breath, wheezing as you expertly landed on Token's balcony. 

You crept into the room and to his basement, where the boys usually met before patrol nowadays. 

"Hello?" you whispered, opening the door. "Are you guys still here?"

"(Y/n)!" You heard your name said by a few people in relief. 

You heaved yourself down the flight of stairs and hugged the closest person, who happened to be Tweek. 

"I'm so glad you guys are still here, I didn't see anyone on my way here and I thought something might've happened if you'd already left-"

"Hey, we're o-ok," Tweek said. "We promised you that we-we wouldn't go on patrol without you."

"Even if we wanted to leave without you, Kenny wouldn't let us," Cartman scoffed. "Damn poor kid kept blocking the exit."

You let go of Tweek - much to his dismay and everyone else's pleasure - to look at Cartman with a confused look. 

"Cartman, that just means you tried to leave without me, when there is a known villain group out for your head. Are you a fucking idiot," you deadpanned. 

"AY I AM NOT AN IDIOT, YOU BITCH!" The brunette screeched, stomping his foot and waving his arms like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Either way, we don't know much of anything about these villains, so leaving without the one person who has run into them is kinda stupid, fatass." Stan commented nonchalantly.

"I'M NOT FAT, I'M BI-!" Kyle shoved a twinkie in his mouth before he could continue talking, where the twinkie came from, we will never know.

"Shut up, Cartman!" The ginger looked at you with a smile, "So, now that you're here, what's the plan?"

"Well..." you began explaining the groups and routes everyone would take for patrol, pointing at the map of South Park Kenny had laid on the table for you. 

You had decided that since you, Kenny, and Cartman could remember everything, no matter death or reset, you'd be in separate groups. You, Craig, and Token would go patrol the shopping district, Kenny, Tweek, and Stan would cover the neighborhood, and Cartman, Clyde, and Kyle would take over patrolling the warehouses.

The third group was simply to observe, look for any suspicious activity from the villain group. Plus that, you had Techie (Mitch) scanning through CCTV cameras. 

Courtney wasn't available tonight because her parents were taking her on a trip to Sedona, but it worked out anyway because you didn't want to have to fight them any more than you had to. If it came to it, Techie would give you buffers and boost your stats. 

"Let's roll out," you said, trying to act cool. 

No one commented on your obvious transformers reference, but you did see a few people roll their eyes at your shenanigans. Everyone in the three groups began dispersing from Token's house, everyone else was either on their way home or had stayed at the HQ to help in any way they could.

Now the plan was in action, the hard part came.

Waiting for the villains to strike.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

It was a quiet patrol, and Mitch said he hasn't seen any activity on CCTV yet, but wouldn't rule out that they may be avoiding camera detection. None of the other patrol teams have seen anything either. You were starting to think that maybe your plan to mix up the patrols made them hold back and regroup. 

"Let's head over that way, Echo," Super Craig suggested. You stopped on the roof of Tom's Rhinoplasty to see where he wanted to go. 

He cocked his head in the direction of the movie theatre. I gave a hand signal in response, agreeing that we could head over there. 

The three of you landed on the roof of the movie theatre with a dull 'thud', and met the face of a certain blonde.

"You!" you hissed, recoiling at the sight of him. Craig and Token stood in front of you protectively, powers activated and at the ready should he want to strife. 

"W-wait! I'm not here to fight, fellas!" he cried, throwing up his arms in a 'surrender' position. 

"Then what the hell is it that you want, Chaos," Craig spat. 

Butters, or Chaos as he was currently dressed, gulped, his adam's apple bobbing.

"I want to help you guys," he said after a brief and tense moment of silence. 

A beat passed. 

"What? You can't seriously think that we want your help, not after what you let your sidekick do to me!" you shouted. You were reasonably upset, and all three boys knew that. 

You shoved your way past Super Craig and Tupperware, walking straight up to the blond to look him in the eyes. He could see the flames of fury dancing in them as you got closer, making him swallow thickly. 

"I'm serious! Just hear me out! Please!" 

You weren't having it, instead opting to scream at him, giving away your location to anyone who happened to be listening in. You had no doubt that the others on patrol could hear your heated shouting.

"¡Maldito hijo de puta! ¿Por qué deberíamos creerte, eh? Maldito hijo de puta, ¿de verdad crees que me pondría del lado del tipo que luchó y me mató? No lo creo, nah nah nah, ¡me mataste una vez y no voy a dejar que vuelva a suceder! Voy a golpear tu maldita cabeza en tu pedazo de mier-"

A thud sounded from behind you. Chaos looked over your shoulder discreetly, eyes widening a fraction.

"Echo, calm down-" Tupperware said, trying to place a hand on your shoulder. 

You noticed Chaos' actions, before you whipped around to slap Tupperware's hand away.

"...Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

Her smile was sickening to you, glinting from the light coming off of her . 

"Good evening, heroes, Professor Chaos," Red Maple said sweetly. A plethora of weapons materialized behind her from a lick of flames coming off her shoulders. 

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," she said. It almost looked like her skin was glowing.

Was it just you or did this open rooftop suddenly go up by 10 degrees?

"Either way, the girl is coming with me."

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


"¡Maldito hijo de puta! ¿Por qué deberíamos creerte, eh? Maldito hijo de puta, ¿de verdad crees que me pondría del lado del tipo que luchó y me mató? No lo creo, nah nah nah, ¡me mataste una vez y no voy a dejar que vuelva a suceder! Voy a golpear tu maldita cabeza en tu pedazo de mier-" - "You fucking son of a bitch! Why should we believe you, huh!? You daft motherfucker, you really think that I'd side with the guy who fought and killed me? I don't think so, nah nah nah, you killed me once and I am NOT letting it happen again! I'll fucking bash your god damn head in you piece of shi-"

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя