Family Drama On Top of Trauma (16)

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Today's fanart is from Jen on Discord!

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Key: (y/n) - your name, (L/n) - Last name, (H/c) - hair color, (S/n) -Sister name, (B/n) - Brother name

*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

You almost cried when you saw your moms again. You ate dinner with them both and went straight to bed. Because of that, you skipped patrol (not that you really needed to since there was a whole 'nother group of heroes).

It didn't take long for you to fall asleep once your head hit the pillow. You were exhausted.


You woke up in a cold sweat. 

The dream- no, nightmare- was so vivid, and yet you couldn't remember a single thing about it. The only thing you did know about it was how much fear it instilled in you.

You took in a shaky breath, sitting up in your bed. You silently grabbed your phone off the bedside table and checked the time.

2:47 am. 

You shook off the feelings of fear and laid back down. Once again, it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

And once again, at 4:13 am, you woke up in cold sweat. And once again, you couldn't remember a single thing despite the sense of déjà vu it left behind, as well as how vivid it seemed when you were dreaming.

You woke up again at six in the morning. School didn't start until 7:30, and the bus didn't arrive until 7; that meant you had about an hour to get ready and leave the house.

"Morning mamá, morning mom," you said, walking into the kitchen.

"Buenos dias, cariño," Mamá replied, not looking up from her work at the stove. 

"Goodmorning, (y/n). Mamá is making sangrecita if you want any," your mom said, glancing at you from the dining table.

You hoped she didn't notice how tired you looked. If she did, she didn't say anything.

You mumbled "Sure," and went to make your hot chocolate for the day and make your lunch. You made sure to take your Rockstar out and put it in your lunch box for later.

A few minutes later, Mamá put the food on the table. The three of you ate in silence, with the exception of the news playing on the kitchen TV.

"(Y/n)," Mamá started. "Your Aunt Anita passed away last night."

Your eyes went wide, and you froze in shock.

"Azucena!" Your mom looked at her wife, also in shock, "We agreed to tell her when she got home from school!"

Mamá looked at your mom with a sad look on her face, "I know, amor, but she deserved to know."

"Wha- how?"

"A car accident, cariño."

Aunt Anita, Mamá's younger sister, always came to visit and stay with your family during the holidays. She was your favorite of your mamá's siblings, mostly because she was the one who visited the most. 

"Did... anyone else die?" You asked cautiously. 

"No, but her daughter was in the car too. She's in the hospital at the moment."

You fell silent again. Suddenly, you didn't have much of an appetite, but continued to eat anyways. 

"Is she ok? Isn't she only, like what? Six?"

A Game We Call Superheroes (South Park x Reader) (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now