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My study hall was held in the cafeteria.  This was one of the larger rooms.  Students were assigned seats at the tables that otherwise would be used for eating, and there were teachers roaming around ready to yell at kids who were not quiet or fooling around.  I had two study halls back to back, followed by lunch so I could stay in roughly the same spot for a chunk of time.  My second study hall was actually supposed to be when I was to take gym class but my parents somehow managed to get me out of gym by providing a note that stated I had a dangerous bad heart condition and the school was eager to comply to avoid the liability.  The real reason, of course was that they did not want to call attention to me.  I was to remain in the background.

It was not hard for me to find the cafeteria.  It was located towards the back of the building on the first floor.  Because the weather is usually good in Hawaii there was a doorway to the outside of the building in back and a few tables out there along with some cement walkways.  I could tell that some students liked to just get out of the building and walk around the patio area, which had some flowering plants.  For me, though, I had to find my seat inside for study hall.

It did not take me long to find my seat and I sat down. After a minute I began to glance at some of my books, handouts, and notebooks I collected from my first couple of classes.  I needed to figure a way to organize all this stuff.  Kids started to filter in and sit around me.  They seemed to be from all different grades, with some older looking and some quite young.

I was suddenly surprised when a girl sat down next to me on my right.  I felt her presence immediately and was very aware of her but pretended not to notice.  She had a colorful notebook for holding her stuff, and a cute case for holding her cell phone.  While I did not dare look at her face directly, I just sensed that she was also quite cute.  When I looked down at my feet under the table my peripheral vision quickly noticed she was sitting only inches from me and had a colorful mini skirt with beautiful slender tanned legs with nice curves.  I could feel the pressure building in my ears again and tingling up and down my core, and I was starting to get a little hard again.  I guessed she would be my immediate study hall neighbor this semester at the table.  It would be challenge trying to study anything!

Directly across from me was a boy playing video games.  The teacher seemed to allow this as long as he was quiet.  A few other guys and girls took the other seats.  There was nothing especially noteworthy about them.  Two of them had heavy back packs.  I heard some giggling.

Looking across the room in front of me to the other tables I noticed more kids similar to the ones at my table.  There were some nerdy kids and some geeky kids but because of the assigned seating they were mixed up so the nerds and geeks could not easily sit with each other.  A few girls showed up with interesting hair.  One had it pinned up in extensive braids and another had it so long it was down below her butt.  It was fun watching her long hair flow in the air as she moved to her seat.  There was some whispering and looks going on but for the most part the kids were quiet.  A few kids actually did some studying, while others just put their heads down for a nap.  The girl with the pretty legs next to me shifted her legs and I had to take another peek by looking down at my feet.  Her legs were graceful and truly awesome drawing my eyes, and my tingling intensified and my breathing increased.  I swallowed hard.  There was no way I could read anything right now.


Instead, I just continued to watch kids file in.  They came from all directions.

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