3) Reveal

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"You boys ready to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?" Graves asked.

"Only if the lass is," Soap said.

"Ah, yes, the princess," Graves hummed.

Everyone turned to me.

I rolled my eyes as I sighed, but nodded.

"Let's wrap this fucker up, Graves," Soap announced, sending us off.

Fucking Americans. Of anyone, I trusted them the least. After what Jill said, especially.

I should be telling these people.

Then again, should I be trusting them?

I wanted them to trust me, though. It just felt right.

"Solid copy. We are pushing to the target immediately. Shadow-1 out," Graves replied.

The drive went quietly at first.

"You're shivering like a kitten," Ghost pointed out.

I looked down at my hands and saw my left hand shaking and twitching while my right hand was still.

When I looked at Ghost, his eyes were narrowed at the states of my hands. Questions were forming behind his eyes, conclusions were considered.

Shit. Did I not take my meds this morning?

"It's not shivers," I quietly said, doubting that anyone heard that.

"You'd like a hug, sergeant?" Soap asked.

"No, thank you, sersan," I answered.

I definitely did not take my meds this morning and it was even worse because I saw Rebecca this morning.


Quickly, I took my medicine and washed them down with some water. All while Ghost was watching me and for the first time I finally understood why people were afraid of him.

"You sure?" Soap asked. "You got someone else to hug?"

I looked up at him through the rear view mirror. Soap looked back at me, eyebrow raised.

"Are you trying to ask if I get bitches?" I asked in a deadpan.

"Do you?" Soap asked back.

I took a halt.

"Boyfriend left me once he heard I got discharge due to injuries on the field. Said my job's too dangerous and he didn't want to deal with the mental support," I said.

"Asshole," Alejandro commented.

"Girlfriend?" Soap continued.

"Once, I went on a date this girl and she called me a biohazard as soon as she found out what I do for a living," I replied. "It's not non-derogatory."

"That's sad," Soap commented.

"I have more," I said.

"Let's hear it," Soap said.

"I went to see my girlfriend in New York that one time. The outbreak happened out of nowhere. When I saw her, she was in the middle of getting eaten, top half of her body torn from the bottom half already," I said.

"You sure it's not called bad luck?" Ghost asked.

"Not so far," I said.


"You speak Arabic?" Hassan asked.

"No," Graves answered.

"Farsi?" Hassan proceeded.

Boo! | Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now