18) Invitation

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We just landed back in HQ and about to head to the mess hall when Leon got contacted by Hunnigan regarding something, something Morocco and something, something Luxor. At the same time, Hunk was also contacted by Price regarding the same things.

So, we packed our dinner and, after a little bit of gear refreshment, we were sent off to the hangar and were put on an osprey. We had space in the vehicle and immediately people took their space.

Leon sat upfront with the pilot who was a friend of Price's and I was not sure if that DSO operative touched his food. Hunk sat close to the front, but was keeping to himself as he barely lifted his mask to eat his food. König took the other side of him, avoiding any contact with anyone.

Simon and I took the far back of the osprey. Simon pulled half his mask up. I just straight up took my helmet off since everybody already knew my face save for the new guys. My helmet was not exactly a part of my identity and it was more of a protection, so I did not mind at all. At least with these guys because I was sure that Hunk would probably tell me to get down and do seven hundred push-ups if I removed my helmet in front of anyone other than these people while we were in this mission.

By the way, this helmet thing was not doing as well as I thought it was gonna be. My hair was soaking wet and at this rate, my helmet would smell fucking disgusting in a matter of days. I would love so fucking much to have a shower.

"So, how's your first day as a BSAA soldier?" I teased Simon.

"I'm quitting right after this mission," Simon said.

I scoffed in amusement. 

For a moment, we ate in silence.

"How'd you know Ken doll there?" Simon brought up.

"Leon?" I replied. "He's a long time friend of Claire's and that extended to Chris and the others as well. To be fair, he's one of those people you'd likely meet in a big mission like this one."

"That's oddly convenient," Simon commented.

"Well, the BSAA is always understaffed and people who are competent in this world are limited. Or we're that unlucky," I suspected. "Hopefully you're not gonna be a part of this."

"Gonna be hard if we're staying in touch," Simon said.

"You want to stay in touch after this?" I asked back, not hiding my smile.

"I'm not fuckin' staying in touch for bioweapons shits," Simon scoffed. "Well, if you consider yourself a bioweapon, then, maybe I'm staying in touch for a little bit of bioweapon."

"No offence, sir, if you stay in touch with me, you stay in touch with this world," I said.

Simon only looked at me for a moment. I tipped my head aside, giving him a questioning look.

"You don't need to stay professional if it's just us," Simon said.

I looked at him before trailing my eyes to the people who were sitting upfront, then looking back at him.

"They don't know what they can't hear," Simon shrugged.

"Fair," I nodded once.

There came another pause.

"This probably isn't a good time, but how 'bout we just make it clear that we... are beyond professional?" Simon suggested.

"Classic army soldier jumping straight into a relationship," I scoffed in amusement.

"Take it a couple more steps and we'd be getting a raise," Simon teased.

I chuckled.

"Unless you don't want to," Simon added. "Maybe you got a barrack to go home to."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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