16) Footnotes

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I pressed the push to talk button of my helmet.

"Sir, we found a manhole," I informed. "And a man."

König now had been moving the bed away to reveal the trapdoor underneath it. I kept my eyes on the stranger as I waited for a response.

When I did not get an answer, I added, "This man is in a medical condition."

No response.

"LT? Ghost? You alright?" I asked.

A second after, I heard Hunk replying, "On our way."

I turned my push to talk button again to turn it off.

Now, this stranger... he kept looking at my direction with a lot of thoughts behind his eyes. Mostly at my hand that was shaking.

"So, they let you go out to work on the field?" the stranger asked after a moment.

"You're not gonna be the one asking questions, man," I said.

"Oh, I will. Because you're here and now that you're here we can figure this whole shit out," the stranger said.

"Just because I bring the BSAA name—"

"I'm not talking about the BSAA. I'm talking about you as an individual, Miss Redfield," he emphasised.

"Excuse me?" Simon's voice joined, sounding offended.

Turned out Simon and Hunk had arrived.

"You told him about you?" Hunk asked me.

"He figured it out himself," I answered. "Not sure how yet. He did say he and others studied the virus after Dr Luxor created it. There's supposed to be an antidote, but there's a breakout out of a sudden and they're out of reach."

Simon stepped in front of the stranger. When he arrived, the stranger had to literally tilted his head up to face Simon. It was likely how he just got decapitated, but he looked bluntly pale with Simon looming over him.

"Tell us how, then," Simon said.

"I should—"

"What I understood here was that she saved your life, mate, so you better just answer," Simon cut the stranger off, gesturing at the hand on the table.

"We studied her. What we know, that is, which isn't much, but if we could get a sample of... her blood, we could finish the antidote. A cure to this virus," the stranger said.

I exchanged a glance with Simon.

Honestly, I did not trust him, but the thought of a cure sounded tantalising. That, of course, assuming BSAA Research and Development had not figured it out yet.

Regardless how sweet a cure sounded, that was not exactly part of our objectives.

"When was the last time you see Luxor?" Hunk questioned.

"Last night," the stranger answered. "She dropped off some files."

"What's the file about?" Hunk asked.

"About you," the stranger looked at me. "If we had those files two days ago, we would've got the antidote by last night. It's... there's information about you, about your medication, and the virus that's in your system right now."

There was nothing about the virus on the files I found upstairs. Well, while the virus that got me infected was not exactly classified, that was not any more the virus that lived in my system. Back when I was quarantined, back when my condition was getting worse, Rebecca tried infecting me with another virus to fight off the one I already had in my body. 

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