6) Mask

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After some time, Simon looked at the both of us. He looked back at the road, but looked back at me, eyebrows furrowed.

I looked down at where he was looking at and saw my shoulder. I yelped.

"What's wrong?" John asked.

"The blood is red," I wiped my shoulder, seeing red blood on my fingers.

"Is that a good sign?" Simon asked.

"I don't know," I said. "I think it is."

I took my jacket off and looked at my shoulder. Blood was still leaking somehow, I had no idea how I was not dead already. The veins were still there, but it was the amount of its initial state. However, when I touched my face, they were still on my face and neck.

Should I be calling Rebecca right now?

I patted my shoulder and neck and face a couple of times. I was not sure how I felt.

It was bleeding still, so I had started pressing my jacket on my would.

"My apologies for keeping the gun," I said. "I thought, if I'd taken it out too early, they'd hunt us down with their good guns, too."

"No need," Simon said.

"You're gonna let me borrow that gun sometimes?" John asked.

I handed the gun over.

"Fantastic," John chuckled.

"Use it responsibly, please," I said. "Up Graves' ass."

"You called it, Cae," Simon said. "You never trusted him."

"Should've told you guys way earlier," I sighed.

For some time, the drive went in silence.

We eventually arrived at a house of some sort and Simon parked the truck. I was thankful, more than anything because I needed to piss so bad.

We hopped out of the car. Simon led the way with John and I following.

"Where are we?" John asked.

"Alejandro's safehouse," Simon answered. "Gave me the location just in case. Thanks to Cae's tip."

"Why didn't he tell us?" John questioned.

"It was need to know," Simon replied.

"What if we needed to know?" John proceeded.

Simon shushed the other sergeant.

"Will there be a toilet inside?" I quietly said.

Quite a lot of effort was being done for us to get inside. We climbed and was greeted by laser.

Turned out it was Rodolfo. I was glad that we had someone else. Simon made a very endearing statement.

"For now, General Shepherd, Laswell, and anyone else outside this room is considered a hostile. With one exception," Simon stated.

"Alejandro," the name just fell out of me.

"We need him back," Simon nodded.

Rodolfo led us to a map that had been laid out on a table. After a moment, Rodolfo revealed a closet full of guns and ammo. Some of them I recognised.

"We're gonna need new wheels," John stated. "Preferably up armoured."

Rodolfo switched the lights on and by the end of the building was parked a car of our preference.

"Alejandro thought of everything," Simon commented.

"What about a toilet?" I asked.

"There's one there," Rodolfo informed, handing me something from his pocket. "He also left this with the map."

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