14) Labs

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The fact that the local authorities did not bring the decoy team into the pharmacy was not a good sign. Just meant that we had to get into the pharmacy. Through the back door. It was very quite funny considering seventy-five percent of the four of us were men over six feet and we still pulled it off. To be fair, the pharmacy was closed, though, which was not impressive now that I thought of it.

Hunk told me to get ahead in the marching order while he took the rear considering it would be safer for bioweapons professional to lead the way and to have the other's back. Usually, he would be up front, but he did not feel comfortable putting me on the back. Simon was right behind me and his presence was loud. It oddly made me feel safer.

At first, nothing was wrong about the pharmacy. Then, we were by the door of the backroom which was ajar. I peeked through the crack and found it thrashed. There were blood splatters here and there. Even the lights were hanging off the ceiling, faintly blinking. There were stuff on the floor.

I looked back, catching Hunk's gaze, I signed at him to suggest that we should wear masks. He confirmed that and I attached my mask to my helmet. Simon and König somehow figured out the comfortable way to put their masks on.

After that, Hunk signed to me to proceed.

So, I entered, checked the back corner before checking the other as I moved in. I proceeded with caution, looking down occasionally to make sure I was not stepping on something noisy or dangerous.

Eventually the four of us spread through the room. I did not intend to look for anything in particular, but on the table right before the other door that led to another room, I stopped because I saw the name Redfield on a paper that was on a stack of paper.

So, I pulled it out and was surprised to see that it was my name instead of Chris. It even had my photo in the corner. What even more concerning was that it was medical records—something that should have never left the BSAA database. It even had a list of my medication.

Realising what this was, I felt a tingle on my left hand.

I looked through the other papers on that stack. Some of them were of the people I happened to be familiar with. Rose and Ethan Winters, Jake Muller, Albert Wesker, the Ashford twins, Maria and Diego Gomez, and there were question marks on the names Zoe Baker, Leon, as well as Mia Winters. Other than those, there were other names that stood out such as Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Beneviento, Moreau, and Miranda. 

Those last ones were located in Romania. The last I heard about Ethan before his death was that Chris moved him and his family there. Not long ago, Chris left for Romania and returned with Mia and Rose without Ethan on sight. I heard from Dion that Ethan died.

A few days after that, Chris put me to babysit the Winters a lot. It really did take a lot for Mia to recover. There were medical professionals in their living space the whole time. Even more military personnel around the house.

If these people I was reading were the people they had to deal with back in Romania... it would take a lot for me to recover, too. Losing Ethan, too?

A lot of these people's status was dead. Some was alive. There was one person with the status dead (allegedly). Whatever that meant.

"Found something, Dead?" Hunk's voice echoed in my helmet.

I looked up to find him still across the room, but Simon was next to me.

"Just a very intimate information about a bunch of people," I sighed.

And about myself.

"These easy to get?" Simon asked.

Boo! | Simon 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now