Chapter 10 - During the night

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"Forgive my intrusion your Highness, I have a report to deliver

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"Forgive my intrusion your Highness, I have a report to deliver."


"According to the villagers, they didn't notice anything peculiar on that day. Also, it seems that they don't want to cooperate since they have no information about the subjugation." The captain reported and to his disappointment. For him, those informations have no sense at all.

(As the High-Priest of the Holy Church, having followers and loyal Holy Knights are normal. And to be called the HOLY KNIGHTS, one has to be a servant of the church before they raise their rank and become official Knights, then Vice Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, and highest of all, the Commander.)

"That's ridiculous! Even I was here, I still felt that immense power! SO, ARE THEY LYING? TO THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE KINGDOM?" He finally snapped. As a result the Captain starts trembling in fear as the Priest was very frightening.

Even he wants to say something, he couldn't open his mouth, like it was froze!

Soon, the Priest has finally came back to his senses.

"What would be your Order your Highness?" He asked in calm manner while avoiding to look at the Priest's eyes. It hard for him to explain but when he stared at those Dark cold eyes, it send shivers down his spine.

"Call your Holy Commander Henry for me." He said dryly before the Captain stormed off away from his eyes and make a beeline towards his Commander's Office.

Meanwhile at the Magic Tower, the Great Mage Master Whydham was sulking and feels very disappointed. After checking the Cave personally, since he can disguised himself, he discovered that everything was so perfectly clean. There's no debris or traces of anything unusual inside the Cave.

And the reason behind it was William and Edrei decided to burn everything including the spider's web that covered all the dead people as they didn't outsiders to find out. It will only leave questions which William couldn't affored to happen specially when it involves Edrei.

"There's a dead people inside the Cave, so how come we can't find anything as if someone did it on purpose." He muttered under his breath.

"And what about that immense power?" He muttered again. This time all his Top- Rank Mages, suddenly look at him with their eyes filled with concern.

"Master, are you okay?" Triton asked.

"Eversince you came back from Cavus Village, I've noticed that you're not being yourself Master. You keep muttering words and it starts worrying us." Dallas said as he knew that his Master is a very spirited person and what he's doing was very unusual.

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