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At this, I became so angry, why in the world would he want to touch what is mine?
"Don't you dare go near or touch Dera, stay away from her. She is not one of your sluts" I said meaning every word. "Woah!! come on man I was joking, I was just pulling your legs" he said at his defense.
"Anyway, I just confirmed my suspicion, you love her". He said smiling.
"Don't do that again, next time friend or no friend, I will hit you so hard you wouldn't even survive it" I replied. "Well what can I say? I enjoy teasing you" he said laughing.
All of a sudden, Charles' attention was off me "OH MY MY", he said whistling. I then raised my head to see what was causing that reaction off of Charles. What I saw or who I saw made me loose my mind completely. Standing at the entrance was Dera, she looked so breath taken. Lara said something to her and she look up, immediately our eyes met. The world became still, it was like no other person was in the room just the two of us, damn she is the most beautiful woman on earth. Those eyes, her lips!! gods I could kiss them for years without getting tired. my eyes trailed her body from her head to her toes. She was putting on a short dress which hugged and accentuated her figure. Her straight long legs where also on full display. She is so beautiful!! There are a lot of things I want to do to her, but I fear she doesn't feel the same way. If only she would let me show her how deep I loved her, how much she means to me and how beautiful she is. She is a treasure, I would never want to lose. I really wanted to let her know but I fear she would say no.
I walked straight to her, I wanted to protect her, I felt so much anger towards those men ogling at her, the possessive side of me decided to raise it's head at that moment and all I wanted to do was shield her from the eyes of all those womanizers in suits. I didn't even hear Charles talking, I just walked off with the soul aim of being with the woman I love at that moment.
My breath hitched as I saw him walking towards me, I must say Michael looks good tonight.
"You came" he said smiling as he took my left arm in his, kissing the back of my palm.
"Hello Michael" I replied smiling.
"You look amazing Dera" he said. "You definitely don't look bad your self" I replied.
" Mhmmhmhm" I heard Lara clearing her throat beside me.
"Good evening Lara, it's so nice to see you, thanks for coming" Michael said to Lara.
"Good evening Mr Michael and thanks for the invite, okay so I will just go get something for myself, leaning towards my ears she said, "while you can stay back, and have a nice time with your Romeo" she whispered smiling mischievously after seeing my reaction. After she left, Michael turned to me.
"Okay, so why don't you come with me while I introduce you to my friends" he said taking my arms in his. Taking his arms, we walked towards a group of men and women, these people screamed wealth and class. We walked towards a middle aged man who was holding a woman by her waist she looked a little bit younger than he was. We walked straight to them, on seeing us, his face brightened.
"Good evening Michael, how are you son?" He said shaking hands with Michael.
"I'm fine Mr Daniel, good evening Mrs Daniel hope you're both enjoying the party?"
"Good evening dear and yes we are. And who is this beauty with you?" She asked.
"Mr and Mrs Daniel, this is Dera a co-owner of La Dera Cuisines and Dera meet Mr and Mrs Daniel the owners of ECHO FM".
Wow did I just hear Echo, as in Echo Fm? the best in Nigeria and even Africa. Wow, just wow!!!I thought to myself.
"It's really to see the one who works magic in the kitchen. I really enjoyed all the meals that were served today and I am looking forward to seeing what you've made for tonight" Mrs Daniel said animatedly.
"Off course she's right and I heard that LaDera makes the best dishes in Lagos" said Mr Daniel.
"Maybe we would visit the restaurant one day, what do you think honey?" "Yeah we would".
We exchanged pleasantries and later walked off to greet others.


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