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It's morning already and I had plans to meet see the D.P.O today together with Dera and mom. So preparing myself, I went to her room to call her.
It's so not her, normally she would have been out by now maybe she the stress was too much for her, so she decided to sleep more. So I decided to call her, we are almost late. Getting to her door, I knocked
"Dera? Come on wake-up we are already late" I said opening the door. To my greatest surprise I was met with an empty room. I saw that the bed was dressed like she didn't sleep here tonight. Then I saw a small note on her dressing table.
"Mom, Angel, I have gone to find my kids, please do not look for me. I will be back I promise, I love you both. DERA." The note read.
Mom!!! Mom!!! I called running down the stairs.
"What is it Angel why are you calling me like that?" She asked me.
"Mom it's DERA, she's gone" I explained.
"What? To where?" She asked.
I handed her the note which she read and screamed.
"Dera why? The D.P.O already had everything under control" she said
"Call me the D.P.O, infact let's go to his office". She added and we hurried out.

At the D.P.O's office............
"So what are we to do? I need to find my daughter and her children" mom said.
"Don't worry Ma, we have everything under control, we will find her, inspector? Let's go". Said the D.P.O.
I joined them when my mom drew me back. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked me.
"I'm going to find my sister and her children mum" I replied.
"No Angel you're not going anywhere okay? You will stay here while they go and bring them back, I have already lost a son, I don't want to loose the four of you too, please for the love of your mother stay back". She added crying.
"I love you mom but I have to go. I promise to be careful, take care of yourself mom. I am going to bring my family home" I said hugging mom "besides mom I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself". I replied to lighten the mood. "Please do take care of yourself and bring your sister back to me okay? I love you dear" She said encouragingly.
"We are coming for you sis hold on tight". I said as I left with the D.P.O.
"Awwwwn what a beautiful reunion" I heard the deranged beast say as his men began to untie my eyes.
I was dumbfounded by what I saw.
My children were sitting with their hands and feet tied. They were a shadow of what they used to be, what has this devil done to them, they looked like they could become lifeless at any moment.
I cried at the sight, I couldn't take it, this is disheartening, I fell to ground defeated.
"Oh come on this is a reunion, you're supposed to be happy. Is that tears I am seeing from your eyes?" Said the sick man.
"My God will punish you did you hear me? I said my God will punish you. You will not go unpunished for this, I promise you" I said spitefully
"Okay then we shall see" he said nonchalantly.
"You know, I'm not that evil to kill my own daughter and her children so I thought of releasing them to you" at that I suddenly raised head shocked. Is he really serious?
"But on one condition" he continued.
"What? I will give anything" I said.
Handing me a gun, he said "shoot them" he said smiling.
"What? Who?" I asked shocked. Did he just hand me a gun to kill my own children? Two of his pigs were pointing a gun straight at my head.
"You heard me honey, shoot them" he whispered into my ears.
"No you said I could go with them" I replied defensively.
"Off course I didn't say alive, you could go home with them dead. You see there's no fun in releasing you all alive" he said enjoying my pain.
At that I became hysterical.
"You son of a Devil, why are you so interested in destroying my life? I hate you!! I hate you so much with all my life, you will rot in hell...."I wasn't even done when the door burst open, before I knew it, his men where down on the floor dead, I immediately pointed the gun he gave me to shoot my children at him stopping him from escaping, seeing there was no hope for him,  he pointed his gun at my children and then the D.P.O  and his men came into view.
"What took you so long" I asked
"We are sorry ma'am" replied the D.P.O.
"How come? The devil asked shocked "I thought I told you not to involve the police? He added angrily.
"How did you even do that I had eyes watching you everywhere". He said
"Come on dad, I might be your daughter but I ain't stupid. My phone was connected to the D.P.O's office. You thought you were speaking to me alone but you were actually speaking with the police. Hahaha you really thought I was stupid enough to come here without protection? Oh dad you're meant to be wiser than this, I have a tracking device  that could find me wherever it is you take me implanted in my body. We felt a time will come when you'll invite me to come, so we prepared for you".
Just then a look of shock passed through his face.
"Oh is that surprise I see? You should be proud of me father". I said laughing.
"So dad it's the end of the road for you, just give up now" I added.
"Never!!! I am not going down alone" he said shooting his gun. At the same time, the D.P.O fired a shot at him.
It was all like a movie when I saw his hands pull at the trigger. I immediately pushed him out of the way so as to save my kids but it was already too late.
"Nooooooooo!!!" I heard Angel scream as she  runs to cover the children.
What? When did Angel get here? She was never here, oh God she's been hit. I immediately ran to her before she hit the ground. No no no no she can't die, she gave herself for my children.
"Angel!!!!" I shouted I held her close to my chest. She smiled weakly at me
"Are they alright?" She asked me
"Yes, yes, yes!!! you save them, you were soooo brave" I said trying to press the injury to stop the flow of blood.
"Good" she said closing her eyes
"Please stay with me, please Angel stay with me!!!" I said but her eyes were already closed.
At last the Monster is gone, thank God he's now out of the way. Yeah Angel made it, the bullet missed her heart, it wasn't easy for her but she survived, we were there for her all the way. I will forever be grateful to her for what she did for my children, she's forever our heroine.
I was home alone, mom had gone out for shopping with Angel, while Kamso and Kambili went to Lara's place to play with her son.
So I was watching my favorite program when I heard a knock on the door. "Who's there? I went to open the door. I was dumbfounded by what I saw. Dumbfounded is an understatement, like when did I start seeing ghosts, I thought rubbing my eyes.
"Mi mi Michael?" I said dumbfounded no this is definitely a ghost I said to myself.
"Hi Dera" I heard him say.
At that, I fainted, I woke up to a voice I haven't heard for a long time, a voice which I love and miss so much calling my name. Opening my eyes, I saw Michael bending close to my face laced with worry in his eyes.
"No no no!! It can't be, it's a ghost" I said moving away from him.
Am I dead or what? I asked myself.
"DERA I'm not a ghost, it's I Michael, I am alive, if you don't believe me then hold my hands" he said holding his hands out for me to touch. Not trusting my eyes, I sceptically touched his arm. He held my hand close to his heart "I am alive babe"
I couldn't even think of anything else I hugged him like my life depended on it. Releasing my self from him, I began checking his body to know if he's alright.
"What happened to you? How come you haven't been back if you've been alive? What happened to you?" I asked.
Instead of answering, he kissed me I could no longer think. It's truly my Michael, it's the love of my life, he's back to me, I could recognize that touch, the way his kisses made me feel. Oh how I miss him, I kissed him with every fiber of passion in me. He broke the kiss and took me to sit on the sofa. He told me everything that happened to him, starting from the journey to now. I was so happy, I can't even start to explain how happy I was, finally my joy is complete.
We were talking and catching up with ourselves when mom, Angel and the kids came in. We both stood up to greet them, immediately they saw Michael, they became as still as a statue. Angel was shaking her head not believing eyes, thinking that he was a ghost.
"Michael"? Mom said
"Mom? He replied.
"Is it really you" she asked with tears in her eyes.
"It's me mom" he said and they both run to hug each other.
"It's really you big bro" Angel said hugging her mom and brother as they all cried in one another's arms.
Kambili and Kamso not knowing what was happening decided to choose that moment to ask me what was happening. Hearing their question, the three of them broke the hug.
"Who's he mom?" asked Kambili.
"Michael, meet Kamso and Kambili, your daughters" I said
Michael was shocked and happy at thesame time. " You mean to tell me that these two lovely girls are my daughter's?" He asked.
"Yes they are" I replied.
"Kambili, Kamso, you've always wanted to see daddy right? I asked bending to their level.
"Yes mommy!!" They both replied at thesame time.
"He's your daddy dearies. Daddy is back" I said smiling.
Immediately I told them he was their father, they ran to hug him.
"Daddy!!!" They both shouted as they hugged. He hugged them back tightly with tears of joy streaming out of his eyes. Being emotional myself, I went to join in the hug as mom and Angel does thesame, it was a really big family hug. This is the reunion I wished for, I thought smiling.
Seeing my family together like this made me shed tears but this time around, they were not of pain but of joy.


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