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The bond between Michael and I became stronger and we became really good friends. On this faithful Saturday, we all went to the beach that is;  Charles, Angel and Lara. Turns out we four are now really good friends. So we went to the beach to vent out all the stress we have had from work. We all agreed to visit the beach.
While the boys went ahead, we went to dress in our beach wears. Lara wore a swim suit, Angel wore a set of black bikini, while I wore a red bikini with silver trimmed at the edges, I also wore a matching hat and a transparent scarf which I tied around my waist.
"Damn girl, you're looking sexy my brother is definitely gonna die out of adoration".
We stepped out to meet the boys, immediately Michael saw me, his mouth was agape.
"Why don't you close those lips of yours, you don't know a fly could enter" I said joking.
"Why? Am I not allowed to admire my woman? He asked pouting like a baby.
"Well, why not? again, I am not your woman" I said walking off and swaying my hips intentionally.
'This woman is going to be the death of me" I heard him say and I started laughing.
Michael and I strolled around the beach while we played with the sand and water. We decided to stop by to get some barbecue for everyone. On getting there, Michael and I greeted the seller who appeared to be a bald not to old jolly man, we told him what we wanted. He nicely packaged the meats for us then he said
"this one is for you mister and this one is for your beautiful wife" he said smiling at us.
"Wife?" I asked stunned, "sorry Sir but I am not his wife, we are just friends" I replied smiling.
"Oh sorry about that it's just that you two really look good together" he replied. Taking the nylon from his hands, I look up to see Michael smiling like a child who just won himself a pack of sweet. I thanked the man and dragged Michael with me.
"I know you're enjoying this Michael" I said
"Wife hmmmm I like the sound of that" he said still smiling.
"Just stop I said with a roll of my eyes".
"Why? Or can't you see how beautiful we will be together?" He asked.
"Well that can't even be possible" I replied him.
At that, the smile vanished from his face. "Why do you say so?"
"Number one, I don't need Trish to come after my head". I said jokingly.
At this he started laughing.
"Don't tell me you're scare of her, I mean we are no longer together. We broke up since like forever". He said.
"I am not scared of her" I said.
"Okay, so what is number two?" He asked.
"Number two, I am not interested".
"What if I have feelings for you?" He asked.
"Well you might just get disappointed, but don't worry dear I know you don't so stop joking around and let's go meet others, the meat is already getting cold" I said walking in his front. He held my hand dragging me back gently to his arms as his hands rested around my waist while mine were on his chest. Shocked, I looked straight into his eyes, I saw that look again, that look that could bring me down like a thief weak in the knees. I felt myself melting already by the fire in his  eyes. I was still struggling with my sanity I heard the word that broke down all the wall that I have been building for years, "I LOVE YOU DERA" he said with all the intensity in his eyes. Stunned to stupor, I tried finding my voice.
"What did you just say? I asked. Looking deep into my eyes, he tugs a stray hair to my ear, held my chin so I would not look away. I could feel the heat from his eyes consume my body, and I liked it. Then he said it again, "I love you so much that I can't live a second without you. You did not only invade my heart Dera, you stole it" He said I could feel my walls crumbling. "I...I...I" try to say what ever I could get from a mind which has lost all it's sense of thought, just then he kissed me and the little sense of reasoning I had at that moment was totally lost. I kissed him back with thesame intensity, I felt everything fade away and he became the centre of my world, at that moment, we were the only ones existing. I loved the way he made me feel, the way his hands moved from my waist to caress my hair, while the other stayed back on waist holding close to his chest. It felt like paradise, and I never wanted to come out of it. Coming back to my senses, I broke the kiss. Immediately I regretted it, I missed the warmth I felt from his chest, I wanted badly to be in his arms again but the reasonable part of me kept me rooted on my ground.
"I'm sorry, I...I shouldn't have done that, he said please do forgive me" he added.
"No problem, let's just act like it never happened" I replied.
"What?? Are you trying to say you didn't feel anything from that kiss?" He asked hurt.
"I know I shouldn't have kissed you without your consent but I don't regret it okay, I love you and have always dreamed of the day that you will finally be mine and you just want me to forget about a kiss that meant the world to me?" Looking broken he asked in a whisper "did the kiss not mean anything to you? Do you not feel anything for me? I see the way you look at me sometimes, where they just my imaginations?" He asked
How did I get into this? I know what I feel for him, but I can't let him in no, not him, not any other man, I said to myself. Looking straight into his eyes I said "I told you, you would be disappointed" I replied as I walked away without looking back. From afar I could see Lara laughing and talking with Charles, they were definitely having a good time but I was just broken inside. Getting close to where, Lara notice my countenance and worriedly asked me if everything was alright. "Please take me home" I replied. Taking that as a clue, we said our goodbyes to Charles and Angel as we left. On getting home she asked me to tell her all that happened, why I was looking so sad when she saw me and why was Michael not with me? I told her everything that happened from the barbeque shop to our kiss and my rejection.

She listened attentively and never stopped me at any point at the end she asked. "So, do you love him?"


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